02: A Waste of Time Use For Rest and Peace

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2: A Waste of Time Use For Rest and Peace


It is now 6:48 and students has came to the school, Y/n was almost done working on his painting in the empty classroom where people doesn't notice.

After that one swing of paintbrush colour onto the painting, he let out a deep sigh and back away a little to see the full painting.

[ "Finally.. not bad.. I guess..?" ], he said with his hands on the chin not sure of the painting. Y/n's face was full of paints as he sneaks out to the toilet room to wash off his face,

[ Hopefully she will be satisfied with this painting.. It's not really a cool gift to be honest but atleast I worked hard on it too much today.. ].
He said in his mind.

Thinking about last night when Yuka put him to sleep, Y/n then blamed her because of how he didn't get to make it more beautiful that night since he was that motivated. He sighs once again.


When he went back to the empty classroom, there was someone infront of the big canvas. It was his teacher, Saeki. She was staring at the painting with a smile, turning her head to you.

[ "L/n-san. This painting is astonishingly good, just as I expected of you." ], she said with a wide smile. Y/n then answered her back while looking at his own painting,

[ "Uh.. Thank you? Even though this painting is actually trash for me, I couldn't get everyone's beauty into the big canvas." ]

[ "Hm.. Then, you might as well need to try and go to an Art prep school. Maybe you'll find something in your Art." ], Saeki said making Y/n excitedly approach to her with his sparkly eyes.

[ "May I ask where!? Please recommend some so that I can apply tomorrow!" ], his teacher tried calming his excitement down.

[ "Alright, calm down. Yuka-chan might also be applying the Cram school with you and it will be on December since it is a Winter class." ], she spoke with still a smile. Y/n then took a deep breath and smile out of brightness, suddenly heard a familiar voice outside.

[ "Oi Y/n-kun! Your in this room, right?" ], it was his senior's voice. Y/n's body startled and his eyes was widen, panicking while asking his teacher for help getting his senior away from the room. Saeki then laughed at his reaction,

[ "Alright, alright.. Make sure to clean everything up in this room. You are only allowed to use it this once." ]. She said while opening the door and closed it quickly so that she won't see it.

Y/n sighs in relief afterwards, trying to find his phone in his bag and call for help on how to get his big canvas out of the empty classroom. He, of course called Yuka and other friends that he is closed to.


When 4 close people came inside the classroom, they started helping Y/n by bringing it to a 'secret' place where it won't get caught. He did stamp the cloth gently so that it won't really be reveal, he won't have to worry it getting a little stain of paint on the cloth.

[ "Thank you everyone for your help! For this, I'll.. get what you all want! Food? Materials? Anything!" ], Y/n said as he wanted to return the favor. His senior friend then answered with a bright smile as they too nodded along the friend's request,

[ "Then.. We'd like a painting of us! A.. What is it called again.. Portrait? A potrait painting of us friends also." ].

[ "Eh!? Ah.." ], he panicked. Y/n then glanced at them with a surprise face, looking at Yuka next and she nodded in agreement.

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