01.5: The Serious of Drawing

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1.5: The Serious of Drawing

I am sorry if this is a half chapter since the last one was like half chapter 2, I'll make sure the next chapter will be a long one. So hopefully you'll enjoy reading this half short one!


Next day, Y/n was still yawning while walking in the hallway with Yuka. She glanced at him and asked if he slept late again, Y/n sweatdropped and sighs in defeat since it is not possible to lie to one of his close friends.

He nodded slowly and looked away while Yuka glared at him fiercely.

[ "You need to stop and take a break. You will seriously ruin your health, I heard one of my friends in your class said that you passed out in the middle of lesson." ], she said in a worried tone.

[ "Yes, yes.. I know that of course. Mori-senpai had already told me to stop damaging my health yesterday. I'll take a break after I finish with my other plans." ], Y/n said with a small smile.

[ "Whatever you say..." ], Yuka sighs as she remembered that he will forget about it anyways. She then gone deep into her thoughts while walking with Y/n through the hallways.


In the classroom, Y/n was pensively glancing at his notebook with his pen poking the book.

[ Uwah. I don't have any more themes left to draw.. I'll just do the old ones. ], he said in his thoughts while turning the pages for the old themes.

The classmates weren't even bothered by Y/n since they are already used to it. Instead of telling him to stop doing what he do in the class, they only look at him in amazement as Y/n is the only one who draw in the class most of the time.


The school bell rang and it was now the first period, the teacher came at the right time. Y/n then put away all of his stuff in the table to use it later.

He placed a hand on his cheek as he gazed to the board. Thinking about art again, not caring a single bit about reality now.

He sighs since he had no idea how to improve more of his art, the teacher was annoyed at his attitude in the middle of a lesson and the whole class sweatdropped staring at him.

The teacher called him,

[ "L/n-san." ]


No answer so the teacher called him again.

[ "L/n-san.." ]


No answer again. An irk mark was on the teacher's forehead as Yatora and the others sweatdropped even more. Now, the teacher then finally decided to yell at him.

[ "L/n-san!!!" ], making him startled and came back to reality.

He starts looking around everywhere with a surprise-look and immediately glanced at the teacher who has an annoyed-expression.

Y/n then gave a nervous-smile and an eye-closed chuckle. Knowing that he will be called in the teacher's staff room.

[ "Go to my office desk at lunch break later. I will need to talk to you." ], the teacher said with an attitude to infront of you.

Y/n nodded quickly to the teacher and sat down. This time, he didn't think about Art but listens to the teacher's talk so that he won't get in more trouble twice.


Some period has ended and so the other teacher came to their classroom to start the lesson. Y/n yawned quietly as he boringly starts glancing around the class, caught a familiar person drawing in the class. Yaguchi Yatora.

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