08: The Impatient One

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8: The Impatient One


In the Hospital, Y/n's family rushingly visited him even though they were busy at that time around. Getting told by the doctor that it was a just a headache that Y/n couldn't handle that got him to passed out immediately afterwards, they let out a sigh out of relief.

[ "...So it's starting." ], the father mumbled with his arm's crossed which the other's didn't notice.

[ "...Am I going to be staying here for weeks?" ], Y/n asked. Receiving a look from his family,

[ "You will be discharge by tomorrow evening, just take a rest in this room for only today." ]. The doctor calmly answered his question and told the other's that they will be taking their leave now. Leaving them be, silent in the room was then had gone loud.

[ I have to sleep here for today? Where is my sketchbook? My Art supplies?! Atleast bring me an Artbook! ], Y/n sweatdropped as he muted himself down to control his rude behaviour.

[ "Y/n. Do tell me if there is something wrong, I will report it to the doctor." ], the mother gently smiled at him. The little brother had a sad-expression on his face which Y/n gave him a smile back,

[ "What's wrong, B/n? I am all fine now." ]. The little brother wanted to cry but held it all in, it saddened him to see his big brother hurt and got into the hospital, the father sighs.

[ "Y/n. Do tell me and your mother that you got home safely. We are not going to be coming back home till 1-2 months around, we will be leaving by tomorrow morning. Be sure to take care of B/n. Be responsible like an eldest brother you are to our family household." ], Y/n only look at his father with a slight an unsmiling-expression yet, showing the politeness of his to the father. He nodded in reply,

[ "Yes, father. I assure you that I, as an eldest of the household family of L/n, that I will take a good care of B/n. ]. the father sighs once more and hummed as a response back.

[ "Haha...Well then, we do need to start preparing early for tomorrow as we don't want to be late for our business trip. Dear?" ], the mother nervously smiled at both of them. This father and son are so stern to each other, they do have the same personality, but the son doesn't show it anymore and goes with his mother's.

[ "Right. We will have to take our leave. Y/n, be sure to keep your word." ], the father said making Y/n nodded again. His little brother was also going to follow them back home, he whined wanting to stay. The mother kneel down at him and smiled,

[ "B/n...I know, but Y/n is going to be staying here for only today and he will be back by tomorrow. Be a good boy and wait for big brother Y/n to come home?" ].

[ "I...Alright mother...I'll wait for Y/n-niisan." ], the little brother look down and finally accepted it. Going to his mother's side, he waved his hand to Y/n. The big brother smiled brightly at him and wave a goodbye to his little brother back.

When they left the room, they saw a person approaching to their son's patient room and checking the name of L/n. The mother then asked,

[ "Hello there, are you perhaps Y/n's friend?" ]. The person glanced at her with a surprise-expression on their face.


[ "Ha...It is sure hard to not move, I want my pencil." ], Y/n mumbled while laying down on the bed. He wasn't really uncomfortable being in the hospital, he did try wanting to relax once but failed. He sat back up and sighs,

[ "Oh? Seems like someone is having a trouble time relaxing. The same Y/n-kun I know as always." ]. Someone suddenly appeared with food on their hand, making Y/n startled and quickly turned his head to them.

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