You are mine and mine alone part one: chapter eight

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Amity waited for hooty to let luz know she was here she stood there waiting till the door opened "sorry I was helping Eda with something" "no need to apologize" Amity Smiled and held luz by her shoulders "you busy"
Luz held Amity's arms "not really"
"I wanna show you something" "lead the way mittens" she snickered 'Ed Em im gonna kill you' amity's face turned red "alrighty" she held Luz's hands as the brunette shut the door and they began walking amity lead her into the forest they let go hands so luz could jump on the logs and hop over the bushes then walk by amity again "so what is it you wanna show me?" Amity didnt answer and then "you'll see soon" they continued walking deeper and deeper into the woods luz was in deep thought trying to guess what Amity wanted to show her. Another secret place? That she found "were here" the two stepped through the bushes seeing a broken down building covered with all kinds of plants they walk inside the building which was dark and cold Luz used her light glyph which she made a big one
And lit up the entire room it was clear that the place was a mess. Furniture all over the place broken glass everywhere "planning on making it a secret hide out Amity used her Abominations to clean up the place "that is actually really really cool" "when did you find this place?" "when I was out on a walk it had been abandoned for years but I had to make sure it was safe but then I figured I would show you it clean the place up make it a hideout" luz chuckled and sat on the floor
"You seem to find a lot of things when you're out on a walk" amity smirked back "that is because I go out in the Deep Woods it keeps me distracted" " you're not worried that someone or something could attack you?" "No I can fight for myself" " that is huge confidence Miss blight" amity winked at her girlfriend the place seemed Organized now that amity used her spells to clean up the place "wanna help?" "Sure" the two began fixing parts of the house and began working on everything in the building Amity brought out things she hid amity used The objects she had and decorated some rooms while Luz kept the place clean as amity's Abomination helped organized amity plugged in some things in heaters to keep warm [ time skip ]
Luz and amity finished for the day and went to go eat some snacks luz laid next to amity as she sat down reading a book as she was reading the book she was in deep thoughts luz would go home soon and she would do anything to keep luz with her longer but would she really go out of her way and do things to keep her longer on the boiling Isles?

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