King: chapter Twenty one

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Trigger warning   death blood

As amity heard the news from her friends she grabbed a potion and stashed it in her bag then she hurrys out the door making her way all the way to the owl house everyone was in the living room worried sick "what's going on" " missing as well...." Amity pretend to be shocked seeing eda pacing back and forth 'first Luz my human daughter now king my Titan son..' 'I swear I am going to annihilate whoever is doing this and I will show no mercy I'll have them begging for me to put them out of their misery I'll make it slow and painful if they ever lay a hair on their heads' eda gritted her teeth clutching her fists willow Gus hunter Lilith raine were deeply worried for eda and buried in sorrow for their human friend and Titan friend what else would come? Could things get any w.o.r.s.e hunter and Gus looked at each other leaving the room amity stood next to willow as her friend sat on the couch looking down at the ground

Amity POV

In case things don't go as planned I'm going to have to erase everyone's memories of this even happening so no one remembers a thing and everything goes back to normal till I can make another plan. But that's only for plan b end of POV

Eda went upstairs she slammed her fists into the wall creating a loud thud Raine came to check on her
"Eda?" The older women choked back tears "how could this happen to Luz. to king..!" "They are just kids they shouldn't go through this." Raine stood by her side as the owl lady pulls Raine in a tight hug crying on their shoulder "we will find them no matter what. Luz King wouldn't want you to cry," eda silently nods "we HAVE to find my kids" "and we will buy you should get some rest everyone wants you to take a break you'll get sick being stressed out so much" "yeah. Your right..." raine has eda sit on her nest while they sat next to her just being there for her 'and I'll make sure you find your kids'

Later on with amity

As amity finished reading through some books and checking them out the library she noticed someone in a fight she walks past going on her way till someone threw a rock at amity's head causing her to stop in her tracks and slowly turn around with a death glare "hey blight not only you destroy your social life you hang out with a human and half of which Willow you even nearly killed my friend" ah one of boscha's old friends the other witch slowly casted a spell with intentions to harm amity. Amity smirked at them "You're really trying to intimidate me?" "I'm going to fucking kill you!"
"I am a blight and someone who was top student what makes you think you have a chance against me?" The two ran towards her ready to fight "abominations seize!" Three giant abominations surrounded the two one grabbing the witch who threw the rock tightly squeezing her to death "and to make sure no one sees or hear this.." everything around them went dark and quiet the second witch amity grabbed her by her throat as she slammed her head against a brick wall breaking the skin on her head "now what was that about you guys trying to kill me?" The blight got cocky with the two watching them suffering in excruciating pain as blood spilled to the ground creating a puddle "we are sorry we won't tell anyone!!!" Amity sighs while rolling her eyes "you've seen and know to much"

After getting rid of the third person who she first tried to get rid of succeeded then the two other witches a success without anyone suspecting anything she makes her way back to the woods

"Luz! I'm back!" Luz and king were sitting in a corner "I brought back something for you guys to eat as well" king glared at her "you are crazy! Let us go!" Amity placed the bag of food down "I need to talk to Luz for a second" king stood in front of his sister "NO!" Amity picked up king and placed him in his seat using a spell on him "and no luz this is not going to hurt him it's just going to keep him still" Luz looked scared "okay.." she followed amity to the other room as king watched them leave 'LEAVE HER ALONE YOU MONSTER!!' 'LUZ LUZ LUZ LUZ PLEASE BE OKAY!!' he felt a lump in his throat
Waiting and waiting for his sister to return and to make sure she didn't look hurt in any way

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