morning pt 2

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Hello one and all! Its me Kaycee your temporary author :) I'm sorry its been a while but I hope you enjoy the chapter, sorry its short I'm getting fought up on school work.

TW - cursing

Tubbos POV:

I sat on the couch scrolling through Twitter and listening to music while ranboo showered, it wasn't long before I heard the shower turn off I waited a little bit for him to leave and went upstairs, I assumed he already left the bathroom so I took out an earbuds and opened the door.
Shit. I looked up to see ranboo messing with his hair in the mirror. I immediately looked down and left. Fuck why didn't I listen for the door to open, I can't believe I just did that. I hope I didn't make him uncomfortable. God dammit. I ran downstairs and face planted onto the couch. Ughhhhh

Ranboo POV:

I got out of the shower, put a towel over my bottom half, and looked in the mirror. I looked and pulled at my face and ruffled my hair, man I haven't actually looked in a mirror without my mask for a while. I stared and messed with my hair when the door opened. I jumped and looked over. I saw tubbo look up and immediately look down and leave. Shit.
I stood in the bathroom for a few more minutes my mind was wiring. What if he saw my face and thinks I look weird? What if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I stood in thought as I glanced to the mirror I looked over my face, and then remembered I was only in a towel. What if he thinks my whole body looks weird? Ughhhh. I shook my head quickly left the bathroom and went to get dressed.

Tubbos POV:

"I am such an idiot"

I murmured to myself with my head in my hands. Nice going tubbo now I probably made him so uncomfortable, why didn't I just knock? Ughhh I'm so stupid. I'm just glad it was only a few seconds I wasn't able to seen his face so that's good. What if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore? Should I text him?

Hey ranboo, I'm so sorry
I didn't knock I thought
You had already left I
Didn't mean to barge in
I'm so sorry.       

Ranboos POV:

I looked down at the message. What do I respond with? Of course I forgive him but do I just say that? Or do I ask him if he saw my face?

Thank you for apologizing
I forgive you just remember
To knock next time dummy.

Tub <3
Hey don't call me dumb, but I will
Again I'm so sorry if I made you
Uncomfortable I really did not
mean to.

Its alright bee. But I need
to ask, did you see my face
at all?

tubs <3 is typing.....

Authors crib

Hello again! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, I have really enjoyed reading all the comments its very amusing. And I am sending honey all the support from you guys, they really appreciate it :) anyways I hope your day/night/or evening is good. Till we meet again ~ Kaycee

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