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big sis <3

seungmin soosoo....

jisoo what's wrong bub??

seungmin you're shooting
now right?

jisoo mhm, i still have
a month here

seungmin can i come....?
the whole month

jisoo but school....

seungmin already fixed that...

jisoo minnie... what happened?

seungmin im finally done
with hyunjin....

jisoo did he not accept you...?

seungmin jup but i saw it
coming.... i don't know
how to feel... am i sad,
angry or heartbroken...?

jisoo so you still love him...

seungmin it never got away...
my plane leaves soon

jisoo you're already leaving?!
what about the project??

seungmin minho will fix that,
i have good grades so its
gonna be okay, see you
in some hours

jisoo see you...<3

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