Chapter 14- Speculations

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In a blink, it was gone. Chrollo wasn't sure what he saw and continued to clean her other hand.

Could it be the sun setting that made her eyes red?

Maybe it reflected off the tears in her eyes that were yet to fall?

He kept questioning himself, but he knew there was the possibility it wasn't. He decided it was just the sun and continued to bandage her hand. "Thank you," her gratitude was barely audible.

Is she seriously still crying?

"Wake up to reality, crying isn't going to solve anything, the world will keep spinning, the sun will set and shine the next morning, everyone will still do what they need to do. Life goes on, so crying will just hold you down while there's something you should be doing." He watched her as her tears raced each other down her face. Shockingly, he pulled her into a hug

Is he beginning to develop feelings for me? Or was he just being a friend?

After a minute or so, he asked her if she had finished her assignment in the library, where she said no. "Then I think that's something you should be doing right now," she nodded; they both got up and headed to the library, where an emotionless Assassin and an eager Magician awaited him. He told Sarada to go on ahead and that he would catch up.

Sarada was too busy dealing with an assignment that was due at twelve, to think about how three amazingly attractive men were outside looking for her. "Greek Theater huh?" At least it's not about the Caribbean, finally, something that took her interest. Getting lost in her mind about Greek and Norse mythology, she didn't see the three males behind her, as they seated themselves. When she looked to her right, she saw Chrollo, she took the leverage of how he has been so nice to her today and laid her head on his lap. She felt him move, and her cheeks turned red, but she decided to close her eyes and pretended to sleep.

Pretty sure she was aiming for my lap.

As the trio began discussing confidential information about the mission, the supposedly sleeping Sarada was wide awake, listening to their conversation, "One hundred billion, is the price for capturing her, I've been here for almost three months and still haven't found a reliable clue, all we know is that it's a female, she attends this school, and she likes to be in the library." Illumi gestures towards Sarada, but he hesitates to answer. "No, it can't be," as he put his hand on her head, hoping it wasn't.

"Why do you say that? I mean, she is here in the library; a girl, and she attends this school, not so?" Illumi stated, persistently. Chrollo immediately responded, "I doubt an Uchiha would be so pathetic as to be getting bullied, and harming herself, on top of that she's weak and an emotional wreck, definitely not the Uchiha type." Illumi stayed silent as he observed Chrollo's expression.

Does he really think of me like that?

Sarada sighed, "What about the school's log?" Illumi suggested. Sarada's eyes shot wide open, as they didn't change her last name, "It's a long shot, but I can push some pins," Illumi stated, as he has the ability to manipulate people by inserting pins into them. "Look, she eyes red!" suddenly a loud voice was heard from the back, and a crowd was formed.

The trio's eyes shot up as they rose from their seats and cautiously headed to the back of the library where the supposedly Uchiha was. Sarada watched from afar.

What? Another Uchiha? That can't be... seriously?

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