Chapter 3- Angel

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The atmosphere reeked of chills, not a single twinkle could be seen in the sky. The chilly air swarmed Sarada, she knew something was wrong and she needed to be indoors and quick. However, she lived a far distance from campus, it's a good thing she thinks fast, she can either take the late bus or stay with her friend, her one and only friend.

She decided to sleep over at her best friend's dorm. Contacting Angel via mobile, Sarada started to walk towards the dorm. Angel was already outside awaiting her. Sarada isn't one to be easily distracted, but she was, as she saw a familiar silhouette walking from afar. He paused in his movements, and turned in her direction, as he felt himself being watched.

 He couldn't see her as it was dark, so he continued heading to the closed library. Her mind asked herself questions she had no answers to, while she was already in front of Angel, who had the door open for her.

Who is him? Is he a student? A teacher? From another school?

"Wa yuh waiting for, Douens?" Angel asked Sarada as she was eagerly waiting for her to enter the dorm, so she could close the door. Sarada changed to her Trinidadian tongue as he spoke to Angel, "Widdi ass is a Douen?" "Seriously? Yuh doh know de legend of de lost kids with no face, dey feet backward, and dey does be luring people children in de woods?" Angel asked. Sarada sucked her teeth not believing her, "Wa kinda dotishness is that?" She walked into Angel's dorm as Angel imitates the voice of a Dueon, "Sarada......Sarada.......come here, hoop hoop hoooop."

As they caught up on the past days, they haven't seen each other, Sarada found herself asking Angel about the mysterious male. She describes him as having a; bandaged forehead, ugly earrings, and an amazing fit, also indicating she met him at the library. Hot guys and libraries do not work together, at least any of the guys that Angel knows. Angel begins to question if he is a lecturer. Sarada mumbled under her breath that she would sleep with him if she could, thinking Angel wouldn't hear but she did, in which she screamed, "Go for it!" Questioning her when was the last time she was sexually active. Sarada played dumb, telling her she didn't know, which Angel encourages her to go get rail. Downing the mood, Sarada spilled that he's more interested in the Uchiha Massacre than her, and Angel agreed because of what Sarada was wearing, which resulted in Angel picking Sarada's outfit for tomorrow.

Changing the topic, Angel asked about Sarada's classes, that's where her entire mood, her aura changed, clearly signaling she doesn't want to talk about it. Angel being her friend, her best friend she always respected Sarada when she kept her personal information to herself if she doesn't feel comfortable sharing it, but this wasn't a personal topic, this was school. Angel cared deeply for Sarada, she needed to know what was wrong because she could tell, she didn't want her to fail as she's better than that. With that pet talk Angel give, Sarada broke down in tears, and explained that she hated her class, she doesn't want to go back because her classmates didn't like her, and they judged her. Angel pulled her into a hug, comforting her, as she slowly drifted away into a deep slumber, smelling Angel's scent as it was soothing.

At this moment, Sarada realizes how much she loves Angel: she cares, she is a good friend, the best. Sarada questioned her feelings for Angel, wondering if this is what love is or if she was overreacting because someone was giving her attention and comforting her, as her foster parents didn't. Sarada is straight, at least she believes she is, since she has had boyfriends in the past, but they didn't show anything to what Angel is showing her. Sarada doesn't know if she loves Angel as a friend or if she loves Angel as more.

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