Chapter 25- Deja Vu

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As they positioned themselves into the ballroom, they sequenced with the other couples, one hand behind their back, and the other in front of them. Sarada's right hand was lifted out, with a space of air, keeping her hand from interlocking with Chrollo's right hand. He followed her lead, without breaking contact. Moving in a clockwise direction with a three-step movement, like a curve in a semi-circle. They each made a three-step turn, one: out of each other's view, another in an anticlockwise motion while switching hand gestures, then the last step once again, facing each other, just with the opposite hands. "Where did you learn to dance?" he asked. "Movies," she replied. "Movies?" "And I practiced with a broom." "Must be one lucky broom," he flirted with her.

The hand that was once behind their backs switched in gesture with the one that was in front. Sarada's left hand was now directly opposite his, disconnected by a space, as they moved in an anti-clockwise direction. With each step their bodies began getting closer and closer, they can both feel the heat purring out from their bodies.

Reaching their third step, he slowly spun her around by connecting his hand with the one a few inches away from his. Lifting her hand that was behind her back, he gently grabbed it and brought both hands forward to him, then widening their arm's length at each side. Their hands intertwine while taking one step forward, leaving nothing but an inch of space between them. They both took one step back, creating space, as they turned away from each other, taking one step forward, greeting their new dance partner. 

As they parted, every chance he got, Chrollo made sure to stare at her, Myers's style, even while dancing with other females. Females who purposely adjusted their bodies to gain his attention. Sarada was the one who stole his attention without trying. She was smiling, she seemed happy dancing away with strangers. On their fifth dance partner, one away from meeting each other, he lost vision of her.

"I must say I didn't recognize you." Sarada was startled; her new dance partner was none other than Illumi Zoldyck. Repeating the same three-step movement as before, their dance was quiet. Illumi is a monotone person; he doesn't say much as he was raised to show no emotions, just to be a perfect assassin, like his parents had taught him. Sarada had her head down for the entire dance, halfway through, Illumi stopped.

Looking up, she saw Illumi pulling a velvet cloth out of his pocket. "This is for you," he held in his hand a small diamond necklace. "For?" he cut her off by going behind her, placing the necklace around her neck. Whispering into her ear, "A gift, you can get more if you come willingly," and with that, he left her in the ballroom.

Reconnecting with Chrollo, repeating the same dance as before, in a clockwise direction. "That's a nice necklace you got there," he said. "You can have it," she replied. "I don't like persons, giving me things; I like to steal them," he said. Turning, to change direction, "So, you're a thief?" she asked. "Depends, do you think Robin Hood is a thief?" "I'm pretty sure you don't give to the poor," he spun her. "I mean, if you do decide to steal this necklace, that would be two things, you'd be stealing from me," as he brought her close to his chest, "I don't like my things disappearing," she whispered.

You still have those pretty eyes of yours, and I haven't stolen them yet.

"Tell me, what did I steal?" he asked. As they slowly transitioned out from the three-step dance, into the two steps. He spun her, he held on to her lace-covered hand, while his other hand took a hold of her waist. Her free hand went to his neck, taking one step forward, facing each other. "My heart," she said.

They moved, slowly, taking step after step, staring into each other's eyes unconsciously leading to the middle of the ballroom. At this moment, there was not a soul with them; they were both there in the middle of the ballroom, surrounded by strangers; but at the same time, they were both elsewhere. Chrollo didn't respond to her answer, leaving her in despair.

I can't say what you want me to say. I'm sorry.

I understand, as you said, you're on a job.

Their minds were speaking, but they weren't having that conversation with each other.

"I must say you look absolutely beautiful," he said to her as he spun her, trying to lighten up the mood. "I do?" she asked. "You do." "Why the compliment now?" "I'm afraid I will no longer see you; I'm leaving." "And where do you think you're going?" "Home." "You're not coming back?" "My job here is done." With that response he gave her, he saw her eyes were now glossy, instead of asking why he lifted her by her waist and turned. Sarada was surprised by the gesture, as he lowered her, he picked up the pace. Chrollo was now leading, while she followed, leaving everyone to surround them and stare. The musicians also played music in coordination with their dance, a violinist, and a pianist.

Chrollo wasn't thinking about the fact he had to let her go; he wasn't thinking about his troupe. Sarada was not thinking about the fact she was in the lion's den; she wasn't thinking about how she was alone. They both weren't thinking, they were dancing, moving unconsciously, covering the entire ballroom, leaving no space untouched by their feet as he spun her away; she spins back to him, this time with her eyes showing. They weren't bright, but they were there. Chrollo clearly saw them; her red eyes with three black tomoe. Sarada was recording the moment, he already knew about her, so why try to hide it at this point? He dipped her, lifting one leg with his hand while the other was behind her waist.

Déjà vu?

Staring at her, almost seemed like déjà vu to him; he remembered a few hours ago, when he held her like the stance they were in, but that time he was overwhelmed with his emotions. This time was no different, he stared at her, her eyes, as deadly as they were, he couldn't agree if someone said they weren't beautiful. Chrollo wanted to kiss her. Sarada wanted to kiss him; actually, everyone that was staring wanted him too. "Kiss me already," she said.

I can't, I shouldn't,

Chrollo held her there for an entire minute, contemplating what he should do. Raising her head, she kissed his cheek, leaving a mark. "It was nice while it lasted," she said. Leaving everyone around them disappointed, they all got back to their dancing. Sarada walked past Chrollo, on her second step forward, she lost her balance. Chrollo caught her, realizing the drugs were finally taking effect on her body.

Feitan Portor, a quite short male, but ranked number two among the spiders, motioned to Chrollo that it was time, to execute the mission. Holding onto the drugged Uchiha, he exited the ballroom.

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