Do I tell? Or she?

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Once on the island I didn't know what to do anymore. I'm here now with Mal, but what now? Of course I can tell, but how and when? I think I'd better wait, then I'll have some time to think of something. Or she asks it to me, but that probably is not gonna happen.

''Can I ask you something?'' asked Mal, "Of course" I said. "Why did you break up with Doug?" "I'll tell you when you tell me why you broke up with Ben." "Okay," she said. ''I think I'm gay'' I said, ''What a coincidence!'' said Mal, ''That's the same reason I broke up with Ben'' ''Really?!'' I asked, ''Yes'' she said, ''I didn't realize it at first until I got feelings for a girl, I can't get her out of my mind.'' ''Me to, she is the most amazing girl in the entire world.''

 You see, I thought. She is already in love with someone else. "May I know who it is?" I asked, ''It's you'' she said, blushing a little. "And who are you in love with?" "You" I said back. ''I love you'' I said to her, ''I love you too'' she said back. I couldn't belive it.

Then she kissed me, and I kissed back. It wasn't a weird kiss or anything, it was just a kiss. But it feels as so much more. Much much much much much much much much much much much much more.

Moments later I felt very happy, she loved me too! But... How do we tell the others that we are Gay? I don't really care, I think they should just accept us. 

If they don't, then it is there problem not ours.

I love Mal, nobody can change that.

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