The queens of the prom

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*P.O.V. Mal*

The next day we went to the prom, when we walked in some looked at us with open mouths. We got to dance and I was very happy, I was happy because I got to dance with Evie, and I didn't care what the others would think. Because if we are happy... Everything is okay, nothing else have to happend. Ride? So long as we have fun. And our friends to.

"And now it's time to choose the king and queen, king and king or queen and queen of the prom!" they called out, "And you can't vote for yourself!" they added quickly. We chose Carlos and Jane because they are such a nice couple. We couldn't decide first, but we choose for them.

"You'll know the results in half an hour," they said, and we continued dancing. I was kinda bad at dancing, but Evie said: ''You can dance really good!'' That is the only reason why I keep dancing else i was quit in the first half a hour. Or faster, or more faster, or more faster. You get where I'm going.

Half an hour later there was a shout: ''Come quickly because we're going to announce the winners'' ''The winners are... Mal and Evie!'' ''What?!'' I said.

We looked very happy and hugged, 'We won!' we called to each other. Our day couldn't get any better. I couldn't believe it, it's not possible! It's amazing! This day can't be better.

More than just friends {Malvie, Mal x Evie}Where stories live. Discover now