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When I finally woke up I had to go back to school. When I arrived I saw Mal along with Uma... 

I walked towards it, "What are you doing with her?!" I shouted to them, "I can explain it," said Mal, but I ran away

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I walked towards it, "What are you doing with her?!" I shouted to them, "I can explain it," said Mal, but I ran away.

I ran through the woods, further and further, I heard Mal running after me and calling my name. "Evie wait! I can explain!" "Leave me alone! There is nothing to explain! You like her better than me!"

I kept running, on and on and on. I didn't want to stop. I could hardly see where I was walking. I didn't care, I kept running, and running, and running. 

Then suddenly I was standing in front of a big tree, I couldn't stop in time. I hit it and everything went black.

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