We're going to tell

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*P.O.V. Mal*

We walked back to Auradon, I was happy and relieved that Evie loves me too. I found out a few weeks ago that I liked her. But I liked her really really really really really really really really much.

I felt bad for Ben, but I also don't want to do it to him that he thinks I still like him when I actually like Evie. That would be even worse. Don't you think?

When I said I liked her I hoped she liked me too. And when she also said that she liked me I became very happy. She's so amazing, I used to think we were just best friends but now I feel more than just friends. I love her.

We walked to the room where our friends are sitting. "We need to tell you something," Evie said. "We're dating," I said. "Really?" Carlos asked, "Yes" I said. ''I'm happy for you!'' he said. ''Thank you'' we said at the same time. We had to laugh, when we saw we all had to laugh, we couldn't stop anymore. Hours later or something like that, it was going good again. 

Fortunately, they all supported us. I was afraid they would think it was weird. I just don't know what the rest of the school will think. I hope they react like Carlos and the rest. They react normally, I think everyone most do that. It doesn't change anything between us. Because we will love each other anyway. I hope, because els I don't want to life. I think i don't wanna life then.

It was hard to tell, especially because Ben is still in love with me and Doug is still in love with Evie. But i am happy they understand.

More than just friends {Malvie, Mal x Evie}Where stories live. Discover now