Sleep Talk

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So apparently I talk in my sleep sometimes.

My new boyfriend said we had a full blown convo in which I told him I hate Hottopic and Spencers and that he wasn't allowed to shop there anymore.

Firstly, I love Hottopic and I haven't really been to Spencers so I have no opinion about it.

Secondly, I don't care where you shop for your clothes, so I honestly would never tell him to not shop anywhere.

So I'm glad he told me because I guess that really upset him and we cleared it up. All good.

Curious I asked friends and family if I ever talked in my sleep?? My cousin goes "Yeah you sometimes do" and my best friend also said I do. My Dad goes I never noticed, but I talk in my sleep too. :/🙃

Like thanks for telling me everyone so I coulda warned people...

Any of you know if you sleep talk?

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