Twenty Things About Me

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1.) I'm obsessed with the paranormal/supernatural.

2.) I love nature and Fall is my favorite season.

3.) I am a pieces. (Zodiac).

4.) I've been writing for about four years.

5.) I want to be a nurse or a doctor once i finish high school and college.

6.) I live with my mom, brother and step dad. I also have a 27 year old half sister I have never gotten to meet.

7.) I have no religion and am bi, I'm very open minded.

8.) I prefer the night time over day time, however am hyper in the mornings even after 4 hrs of sleep.

9.) Coffee does the opposite to me. It makes me tired rather than wake me up.

10.) I love writing. I do it for fun, not because I want to be a writer someday (Though I would love to be).

11.) I used to hate reading until 7th grade when my english teacher introduced me to the Maximum Ride series by James Paterson. I read over 80 books in three months after that.

12.) I love wolves and birds the most, but I love all animals. Do insects count as animals if so then maybe not all animals...

13.) I am shy in person, you wouldn't have guessed that now would yah 0.o.

14.) I am both a girly girl and a tom boy. Depends on where I am and what I'm doing.

15.) I love all colors, but my main 4 are: blue, purple, orange, and black. Green and brown are my least favorite.

16.) I love pictures, taking them or just browsing through them. I can do it for hours where as normal people would get bored.

17.) I am a mutt. I am mainly German, but also, Irish, Native American, French, Welsh, and many many other things 0.0.

18.) My name is 1 letter short of a full alphabet, meaning my full name is 25 letters long.

19.) I am an Ohioan, but I wish to leave Ohio. The weather here sucks. Plus I've always wanted to travel.

20.) I love watching the rain/storms from my pourch. It's calming in a way and just interesting.

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