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George got up early the next morning. Early enough that he could get to the college campus before his parents woke up. He didn't want to deal with them. Not now, not ever.

He practically limped into school, his foot most likely sprained from how hard his father had stomped on it. But he refused to show he was hurt and forced himself to walk normally, no matter the amount of pain it shot through his foot every step he took.

He kept his head down as he passed the few students that were already at the campus for early classes; not wanting to accidentally start an unwanted conversation. Before long he was sitting halfway through a lecture in his first class. And then his last.

Driving home, George dreaded going back to the house, so as a last minute thought, he turned around and drove into town. He parked in the parking lot of a small boba tea shop, wanting something to do while he was out and having never tried the drink.

As he sat down in the window seat; drink in hand, George forced himself to ignore his nagging thoughts of home. Instead, he lazily watched cars and pedestrians make their way into and out of town, honking and occasional revving of engines managing to pierce through the glass separating him from the outside world.

George sighed, looking down at his drink to see he had only drunk half. He swished it in a circular motion and watched the boba swirl inside before taking another long sip.

The bell on the top of the entry door suddenly rang as supposedly somebody stepped inside. George didn't have the energy to look, not wanting to bring any attention to himself anyways. He was one of the few people in the shop, and thankfully they had mostly kept to themselves.

He certainly didn't expect somebody to sit down right next to him.

He startled and looked over to see who had rudely gotten into his personal space, but the harsh words practically fell from his mouth as he realized who the person was.

"Dream?" He gaped, taken aback. He hadn't expected to see Dream for a while, or perhaps forever. But now the man himself was sitting languidly in the chair beside him, drink in hand, grin on face, staring right at him.

"Hi yourself." Dream said cheekily, casually taking a sip from his peach colored boba.

George closed his mouth and struggled to catch his dignity before it completely flew away. "W-what are you doing here? Are you following me?" He stumbled over his words at first but grew confident as his suspicion arose.

Dream had the audacity to look offended, he placed a hand to his chest, "Me? Of course not! I was only passing by and happened to see a familiar face in the window of a boba shop and decided why not stop in and say hi. Is there something wrong with that?" Dream managed to explain himself and turn the accusation back to George at the same time.

George raised an unbelieving eyebrow, "Uh huh. Whatever you say." He turned away, pretending to return back to staring out the window. His boba sat forgotten momentarily beside him.

Dream was quiet for a few moments before he spoke up again, "So." He started nonchalantly. George didn't look at him.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Dream asked finally, confusion and a bit of what sounded like hurt in his voice causing George to turn to study his face.

"What do you mean?" George asked, searching his mind frantically for what Dream meant. He hadn't even turned away from him for a minute!

Dream pulled out his phone, swiping through it for a second before showing George. "My texts." He looked expectantly up at George as the brunette scanned the words typed on the unblemished surface of the device.

The Fill-in Boyfriend // DNFWhere stories live. Discover now