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Over the next two weeks, George stayed over at Dream' house. Skipping college classes and instead using the time to get used to being a couple, unbeknownst to them.

There were a few days that Dream would be late because of work, but George would use that time to text his sister and make sure she was alright. To his great relief, his parents hadn't touched a hair on her head yet.

Slowly, over cuddle sessions on the couch during a movie, comforting nights in each other's arms, and little actions and activities they did during the day; George began to feel like he was in a real relationship.

He began to feel like he was being loved.

It was the nicest feeling in the world. Being able to hold his boyfriend, plant little kisses on his freckled cheeks and soft lips. And play with his fluffy, rather curly hair.

Speaking of kisses, George glanced down at Dream whose head was resting in his lap as the brunette ran his hands through his hair, and abruptly leant down and kissed his nose.

Dream smiled, his eyes flicking up to George's. "Hey cutie."

"Hey yourself."

"And to who do I owe the pleasure of this kiss?" Dream said dramatically, his eyelashes fluttering in emphasis.

George played along. "Why only George Henry Davidson the First." He flourished a hand to his chest as he spoke.

The blonde gave a fake gasp. "THE George Henry Davidson the First?!"

"The one and only."

"This is the best day of my life."

"Oh shush." George giggled, never tiring of their antics. He ruffled Dream's hair once more before stretching his arms above his head to signify he was done.

Dream sat up and patted his hair back down. "Should we make dinner?"

"I don't know, it's up to you." George yawned.

"How about we get takeout then." Dream pulled out his phone and looked up expectantly. "What sounds good? McDonald's? Chipotle?"

George shrugged, "I've never had Chipotle before."

"WHAT!?" Dream gasped, this time genuine. He put a hand to his forehead and pretended to feel faint. "Chipotle is to die for."

"Well then it's decided." George said, rolling his eyes. He didn't have the heart to tell Dream that the reason he had never had it before was because he never had the extra money to waste on expensive takeout.

It didn't matter anyway.

"What would you like? A burrito?" Dream asked. His thumbs hovered over his phone screen.

"I'll just have whatever you'll have." George said, unsure of what to order.

"Okay. Do you like avocado?"

George shrugged, he hadn't really had it that often. "Sure?"

"You really suck at this whole ordering thing." Dream teased as he put in his order. George laughed lightly.

"I'm just not very picky." And it was true. Well, more like he wasn't allowed to be picky. If he was hungry, he ate. It didn't matter what, it only mattered that he had food.

"Aright. It's ordered!" Dream announced after a few beats of silence.

He beamed up at George. "I can't wait for you to try your first chipotle burrito." He pretended to wipe fake tears from his cheeks. "This is a historical moment."

George punched his shoulder none too gently, "Oh shut up." He really had to start getting Dream's antics in check.

"Oh. You wanna start with that?" Dream raised an eyebrow at George whose eyes widened.

"I'll show you how to actually hit your boyfriend." Dream said. His tone was meant only in fun and George should have realized that as Dream lifted a hand in what seemed like slow motion.

But his instincts didn't listen. The anticipated hit that he knew was probably only gonna be a light pat on the shoulder made him react in a horrible flinch.

Dream drew back sharply as if stung. And there was a few long antagonizing beats of silence.

George wasn't sure whether to laugh it off or cry, but he wasn't about to let the latter win.

He let out a choked laugh.

"I don't know why I flinched like that." His voice was higher, and he cleared his throat.

Dream gave a small smile but it didn't quite reach his eyes. But despite its size, it oozed confusion but also knowing, hurt but also empathy. And worst of all, pity.

George stood up abruptly. It was time to go.

"I think I've overstayed my welcome."

Dream started, his eyes widening, "What?! No! I don't mind at all! George.. are you—do your—" he faltered, his eyes glancing between each of George's.

George had a sinking feeling he knew what Dream was trying to ask, but he didn't want to be around when he figured out how to say it.

"It's fine, no need to be polite. I feel like I should head home anyways. My parents— sister, will wonder where I ran off too." He laughed bitterly again.

Dream placed a hand on his arm. "Wait, please."

George shrugged off the hand that had given him more comfort in his life than any other. "It's better this way."

"George. You're okay right?" Dream stood up, his eyes portraying concern.

"Yeah. What makes you ask?" George lied, he began to walk to his—their bedroom with Dream hot on his heels.

"I didn't mean to scare you." Dream apologized behind him, and George wanted to laugh at the deja vu he was experiencing from the beach party all that time ago.

But instead he gathered the few things he had and shoved them into a shirt of his as a makeshift bag. Dream hesitantly grabbed his wrist to stop him, "George..."

George looked up at his boyfriend's face and his shoulders slumped.

"George... I love you okay? No matter what. I don't know what's going on exactly in your life but I know you have your reasons for this." He cupped his cheek tenderly, "I'm always here for you. Anytime, just come to me."

The kiss that followed was more passionate than their first. It was fire and water clashing in an ocean of emotions; emotions neither could explain, only show. George melted further and further into Dream's grasp but before he could fully succumb he pulled away, breathless.

"I have to go." He said reluctantly. It was taking everything in him not to throw his stuff down and stay forever. Stay forever in Dream's arms.

He stood up abruptly and hurried to the front door with Dream lagging behind him. George blinked the resonating tears away and stepped off the porch onto the driveway.

Dream stood frozen at the door, "We're not breaking up right?" His voice was the most vulnerable George had ever heard.

The brunette threw a small smile over his shoulder, "No. I'm not breaking up with you."

And as he walked away with what little possessions he had and headed towards home, George refused to let the tears flow.

But all it took was the thought of Dream eating his to-die-for-chipotle burritos alone in his big empty house and he was openly sobbing by the end of the street. 


Updates are going to be very slow, I apologize in advance. Welp, here's an amazing cliffhanger ^-^

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