|| Chapter Thirty-Five: Library Discovery ||

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{Word Count: 2,087}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Monokuma cackled delightfully, grabbing my face with both of his hands. He squished my cheeks around and pinched them slightly. I wrinkled my nose in annoyance. When he saw how annoyed the action made me, Monokuma stopped and just held my face in his hands. 

"You're so magnificent, (Y/n). God, I love seeing you like this!~" Monokuma gushed, his cheeks warming up a bit. 

I giggled and lifted my hand off of his waist, patting his shoulder. "Okay, I gotta catch up to the others before I get suspicious." Monokuma whined and lifted himself off of my lap. With the weight now lifted off of me, I stood up as well. I began to head to the door, but before I could slide it open, Monokuma pulled me into a hug from behind.

His hands were rested on my hips and his forehead leaned against my shoulder. Monokuma quickly pressed a chaste kiss to my neck then pulled away from me. He sighed, "ugh, fine. I guess I can let you go now."

I rolled my eyes and pecked him on the cheek before leaving the rec room. I made my way downstairs to catch up with the others. I had heard everyone's voices erupt from the library, so that's where I headed. As expected, everyone was gathered in here. 

Everyone was circled around an injured Hifumi. He looked seriously injured with blood leaking from his head. I didn't even feel bad for him. He attacked me in the head and he was attacked in return. Perhaps I was being too resentful towards him, but I couldn't help it.

"That guy hit me..." Hifumi mumbled. His speech was somewhat unclear and jumbled; perhaps he was unwell from the blow in the head. 

I stepped closer and inquired, "what guy?"

"So you finally decided to join us, (Y/n)," Byakuya commented. He spat my name out as though it was some sort of bad taste that lingered on his tongue.

Hifumi gasped. "M-Ms.(L/n)?!" Ah, I suppose he was shocked to see me alive.

"Yes, I am here. What is going on? Hifumi, are you alright?" I furrowed my eyebrows in false concern, acting as though I felt sorry for him. 

"Er, no, I was attacked by Robo Justice. That's what I would like to call him for now," Hifumi answered. He did look horrendous. He was clearly frantic with gallons of sweat glistening on his paled skin. 

"Was (Y/n) attacked by this "Robo Justice" as well? Or are you just pretending to be injured?" verbalized Byakuya. He raised an eyebrow at the bandages wrapped around my head. 

Hina let out an exasperated sigh and shook her head. "She is not acting Byakuya! Why are you such a jerk?!"

"I am merely taking caution of the Ultimate Actress. Not only is her ultimate handy for the killing game, but she also seems close to Monokuma, one of the masterminds."

"Not this again," I muttered. "Would you let that go? I obviously never engage in Monokuma's stupid antics. And you always target me for my ultimate for what reason? Just shut the hell up Byakuya."

Byakuya snickered a bit, pushing up his glasses. "How do we know you don't interact with Monokuma behind closed doors?" Genocide Jill then spoke up, "yeah! How do we know if you aren't makin' out with that teddy bear cosplayer in your dorm?!"

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