|| Chapter Fifteen: Switch ||

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{Word Count: 2,527}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"My, my! What's going on in here?"

At the sound of that voice, Sayaka let out a loud scream. Turning our gaze to the person who had just entered the room, our glances turned into an array of negative emotions. Monokuma, him being the person who had just entered the room, let out a laugh.

"Happy to see me?" he questions, holding up his hands in a peace sign. A giggle escaped from his parted lips as he stared at us with a smirk.

"I speak for both of us when I say we are far from happy to see you," I respond in a tone of annoyance. Monokuma pouts and walks over behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He rests his chin onto my shoulder, mumbling, "aww, you really hate me don't you?"

Almost immediately, I free myself from Monokuma's grasp and step away from him. "D-Don't do that!" 

Monokuma lets out a long fit of laughter after I shout that. I cringe slightly and turn my gaze to Sayaka, who had completely frozen up and was staring at Monokuma blankly. I gulp and turn back to Monokuma, who still happened to be laughing.

"Hey! If you aren't going to leave us alone, then tell us what the hell those videos were about!" I yell at Monokuma. Slowly, he begins to bring his laughter to a stop.

"Huh? The videos? Oh, right! The motives!" Monokuma pounds his fist into the desk next to him, his grin widening. "Did you like them? I did the voice over on all of them!"

"What did you do to my parents?!" I shout in anger. I clench my fist tightly, my nails digging into my palm.

"Oh, I didn't do anything to them!"

"Then what the hell was that video?!"

"Well...I myself didn't do anything...but the other mastermind behind this all did! I'm just one of the masterminds, of course," Monokuma explains as he examines his nails.

"So, it's confirmed then for sure...there is more than one mastermind," Sayaka mumbles.

"Yeah! I mean, I know I'm amazing, but I couldn't just do all of this on my own, you know?" Monokuma chuckles. 

"But what happened to my parents? What about everyone else's videos?" I question, raising an eyebrow at Monokuma. Monokuma lets out a sigh, shaking his head.

"Didn't I say this already in the video? You have to find out after you graduate! You'll find out what happened to your parents after you kill someone and get away with it. Then you can get out and go look for them," Monokuma answers. He grins at me and pats my head. "There, there (Y/n)...I'm sure you're super sad and everything, but if you start the killing you can get outta here!"

I hung my head, staring at the ground. I could feel anger boiling up in me the longer I thought about what Monokuma said. Without another thought, I lift my arm and swing my fist. I had never put so much strength into a punch before, let alone try to hit anyone this hard. 

Monokuma dodges the blow easily and swings his foot, tripping me. Just as I was about to fall into the ground, Monokuma catches me and holds me in a dipping position. He smirks at me as our noses almost touch. "If I hadn't avoided your punch, you would have violated school regulations."

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