The Girl, The Thieves, And The Pikachu

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Ash was bolting through the streets of the city, trying to find the nearest pokemon center, when he was halted by an Officer Jenny.

"What are you doing, holding an injured Pikachu? Are you a CRIMINAL!?" Officer Jenny accused as Ash stared blankly at her.

"No Officer, this is my Pikachu, and it's hurt." Ash states, worried about Pikachu.

Officer Jenny stares at the 10-year old a moment until she sees his pokedex sticking out of his pocket, lazily put back in after failing to determine the mysterious flying pokemon.

"There! We can use this to solve the case!" She grabs the pokedex and opens it, just for it to give her the conferming rant saying that it does indeed belong to Ash.

"I really wish the professor told me the pokedex also counts as ID..."

Jenny gives back the device, then drives Ash to the pokemon center, where Nurse Joy admitted the injured Pikachu into the infirmary.

As Ash was pacing back and forth in the waiting room, he suddenly bumped into a girl.

"I'm so sorry!" The girl quickly apologized. She was pale-skinned blue-haired, and definitely a sight for sore eyes.

"It's OK, I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm Ash by the way."

"M-my name is Asuka."

The two start up a small conversation, before Nurse Joy comes out of the operation room with Pikachu. As Ash is about to extract his new best friend from the bed, a cloud of smoke suddenly appears.

"What's going on, Ash?" Asked Asuka as she grips his arm out of fear.

"Prepare for trouble"

"And make it double"

"To protect the world from devastation"

"To unite all peoples within our nation"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love"

"To extent our reach to the stars above"



"Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight"

"Meowth, that's right"

"Who are you!?" Shouted Ash with anger.

"Didn't you hear us, we're team rocket you twerp" stated Jessie matter-of-factly.

"And we're here to steal all of your pokemon, so hand them over"

After that, Pikachu brawls with Koffing and Ekans, only to accidentally blow up the whole pokemon center.

Asuka decides to travel with Ash, for reasons unknown to him. Now, the two teens are on their way to viridian forest. Time to catch some pokemon!

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