Last shows Flights home and Getting their Number.

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Lexi's P.O.V.

"The number you have called is not available please leave a message after the beep."

"No answer, it was probably a wrong number." I shrugged locking my phone and looking at the girls Aggie shrugged but Jess started playing guessing games.

"What if it was the guys? What if they had found your number?" she smiled with a glint in her eye. I rolled my eyes.

"Doubt it and keep your voice down the boys are asleep." I told her she sighed and slumped in her seat. She was dying to see Harry and to be honest I wouldn't mind seeing Zayn and Liam. I picked my phone up and stared at it, what if it was them?

"Maybe we could try it again just to make sure?" I asked. Aggie shook her head and I tossed my phone back down on the sofa next to me. What are the chances it was them any way. Jess has gone a planted that in my mind now.

"Look it's not going to be them, I mean really think, what are the chances?" Aggie reasoned and I nodded. I slumped back into the sofa.

Niall's P.O.V.

"You completely deceived us and ignored us, we told you very clearly no contact until the end of the tour." Our tour manager went on and on at us.

"Look we know it was wrong but w-"

"Good I'm glad you know it was wrong now give me your phones." he said as we gave him all of our phones, I sulked as the rest of the boys glared at him but he just turned on his heel and left.

"Great perfect, well done Liam." I growled pissed off.

"Oh shut up Niall." Zayn snapped before getting up and jumping back into his bunk. We all followed going to our own bunks. None of us were in the mood. We were so exhausted and run down and still had a fair few shows left and our management aren't helping.

I lay on my back with my golden guitar pick gripped in my hand staring up at the ceiling. Sometimes I really do hate not being able to be normal and just hang out with my friends and see my girlfriend. I hope she's still my girlfriend anyway. She probably hates me. What about that kid. I wonder  if it's born yet?

I need to see her. I love being on tour and everything but jeez it sucks sometimes. I just need to see Lexi.


"We love you guys thank you so much!" I yelled into the mic peering round the huge stadium. I looked to Harry who was scripted to speak next.

"We've had great fun on this tour, I hope you enjoyed our last show!" Harry smiled looking over to Louis.

"Well we hope to see you soon on our NEXT tour!" Louis beamed.

"So see you soon Australia!" Zayn chimed as we all yelled together.

"BYE WE LOVE YOU!" the lights went down and we all sprinted of stage still being able to here the girls screams from backstage a small smile slipped on to my face. We all threw our clothes off and put jogging bottoms and a baggy t-shirt on. We were flying back to England finally.

"Boys the plane is at the airport waiting. Hurry up!" someone who I wasn't paying any attention to yelled at us. I pulled on my t-shirt and jogged to catch up with Harry, I was so slow at getting changed compared to the other 4. We jumped in the van and started up a conversation.

"How long is the flight back?" Harry questioned, we all shrugged and Liam pulled out his phone and googled it. We had just got our phones back incase you were wondering.

"It'll take us about 21 hours." we all slightly groaned. We were used to travelling but when all you want to do is see someone you haven't seen for almost a year a 21 hour flight isn't what you need.

"So um, where are we going, meeting back at mine or what?" Harry asked referring to which house we were going back to when we land.

"We can got to mine, it's closest to the girls house." Zayn reasoned and we all nodded in agreement.

That was pretty much all we had to say until we got onto the plane. Spending 24/7 with 4 other boys can be tiring.

We walked through the airport with hoods up and sunglasses on and very quickly got through passport checks and stuff we got onto the plane within a half hour.

Liam went straight up stairs to to the bedroom. Yeah it was our private jet and it was pretty kitted out. I sat on a sofa seat next to Zayn and Louis and Harry sat watching T.V.

"Look Zayn, sorry about snapping earlier." I told him. Me and Zayn had been at each other alot lately. He looked at me and smiled.

"It's cool, I'm sorry too. Lack of sleep and food can dot that to a person." he half laughed and I nodded.

"Boys? Here." Paul smiled handing us a piece of paper before turning and leaving "Oh and belt up were taking off soon." he informed us going into a seperate room from us.

I looked at the paper and yelled "Yes!" and fist pumped, it was Aggie Jess and Lexi numbers. I showed the boys and the all smiled and Harry instantly took Jess' number and typed out a text.

"LIAM WE HAVE THEIR NUMBERS." I yelled up as he ran down. And we all pretty much were all on our phones. We knew we wouldn't get replies because it was like 4 in the morning in England but we still text anyway.

I sat twisting my phone in my hands but it was hopeless waiting for a reply off her. I threw it on the floor next to me and lay down, waiting for sleep to take over me.

A/N So this is mush mush mush I am so sorry you guys waited so long and it is so bad I feel terrible SORRY!!! Anyway the fact I've skipped so much time may confuse you so here is an update of how old they all would be.








Louis: 21.

The twins were born on November 10th and they are now just over a month old. If you need to know anything else just comment and I will answer again sorry it's so crappy and I've skipped so much time but hopefully it'll get more interesting now - Emily :D

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