Sunset till Sunrise

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pairing: JJ Maybank x shy!reader

status: friendss 

disclaimer: jumpscares, slight drowning, language, NOT PROOF READ 

A.N: SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. hope you guys enjoy this one :) ALSO this fic will be edited soon!

                         it was a pretty normal monday; i cleaned my room, did some laundry, and now im finishing up my english homework. i was solely focused on the worksheet infront of me, my headphones blaring all types of music to cheer me up, coz school can sometimes get pretty depressing, when i heard a soft thud. i turned around to see someone at mid-lunge trying to rip my heart alive. 

"AHH" i shrieked so loudly the attacker took a huge step away from me, covering their ears, and immediately hit their head on the shelf of the opposite wall muttering a hurt "ow". at this point my headphones were thrown away from how fast i flinched.

the room was dead silent, only my rapid breaths and faint music was heard. quickly, i started searching for a weapon when i came across my blue pen. i opened it and swiftly turned around positioning my pen to the intruder. 

"damn, y/n. didn't know you could scream that lou- HEY!" before he could say anything else the pen was already thrown at him. it took me a second to process that his voice belonged to my best friend. 


"fuck, YES ITS ME." he rasped, one hand on his head while the other one was on his left eye brow. 

. . . 

i didn't expect my afternoon would be nursing my best friend who i unintentionally hit in the eye and head. 

"ah ah o-ow, y/n/n. ow ow" JJ  hissed carefully taking my hand, that was gently dabbing alcohol away from the infected wound. the jackass did scare the shit out of me but i felt extremely bad for what happened; i obviously didn't mean for him to hit his head. 

"stop swatting my hand away! i have to clean it before it gets infected, dumbass" i spoke with a hint of edge in my voice. 

"relax, y/n. nothing happened its just a little scratch" he smiled reassuringly, immediately picking up on my level of of distress. i sighed deeply and checked it once more. 

"something worse could've happed, J. you know how dangerous head injuries are? you could've had a concussion for god's sake!" i said, my voice going a few pitches higher - a sign that im gravely concerned, and of course he noticed. 

"hey-" JJ turned around so he could face me. he placed a hand on the bed we were sitting on for support, and the other on my shoulder rubbing small circles for comfort. "im okay" he tilted his head, smiling. making my stomach drop and heart flutter. it was no secret i had a crush on the infamous JJ Maybank. i mean how could i not?

he was kind, sweet, i can't remember a time i've laughed harder than i have with JJ. JJ and i've been friends since we were in diapers, it was only when he turned nine he moved to the outer banks. but our parents still kept in contact so we'd occasionally see eachother in spring breaks or summer. fast forward to many years later, my parents decided to move there. it's been a few months and im loving every single minute of it. 

i've always thought JJ was cute. but i was a kid then, obviously, i didn't act on it. but now its all i've been thinking about it. i just wanna tell him how i feel but with the feelings, come shyness, and nervousness. i can't speak a single word without freaking out over the way he's looking at me. that's why i would randomly stutter or stumble with my words and i'd cringe everytime. 

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