halloween parties and diamond earrings

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Dear Jennie,

You are most certainly something.

Not once have I ever received a letter in return. I am impressed in your confidence to assume that I would receive your reply, let alone reply at all.

After turning the thought in my mind for some time, I have concluded: I accept this arrangement.

Now, I am not familiar with sending letters back and forth. The only idea I have is that we play 20 questions. We may ask any question, though I do request that you do not ask anything too personal of me. My identity requires of me to stay anonymous, and it is the one thing that allows me to continue to write to you, even though you may already know that I attend the same high school as you.

If I may ask the first question: What is your favorite flower?



You are a modern-day Shakespeare with the way you write, I'm impressed that you go to such lengths to maintain character.

I totally understand the need to stay anonymous. I will respect your privacy, no worries! I'm just glad you're writing me back~

On the topic of privacy, would you like to exchange letters somewhere more reserved, so no one steals them? I've got an extra gym locker in the girl's locker room – the combo is 0304 if you decide to leave your reply there!

Anyways! To answer your question: I like sunflowers

Now my question: What are your hobbies? (If one of them is writing, I wouldn't be surprised. I just want to confirm my suspicions, hehe)


Dear Jennie,

A modern-day Shakespeare? That is somewhat pushing it, but I appreciate the compliment.

If you are reading this, then you must have gotten this letter from your extra gym locker, and we can start exchanging more privately. (Just know, it was EXTREMELY hard to sneak a letter discreetly into a locker that is not mine while sweaty teenage girls are trying to change.)

(However, I am feeling nice, so I will indulge you in some personal information: my gay awakening was a girl in the fifth grade that we both have shared classes with since elementary school.)

Sunflower? Noted.

You are correct, I do enjoy writing. I love writing novels because I aspire to be an author.

I also like baking, reading, watching movies... very relaxing, secluded activities. I am an introvert... I hope that is not weird to you, since you are very outgoing. You can see why I am insecure in revealing myself to you.

Now, for the second question: What do you aspire to be?



You write without consonants whatsoever; I think that's an impressive enough feat to signify you as a modern-day Shakespeare.

Now you're making me REAL curious as to who you are, Lumiere. Your gay awakening was a girl we shared classes with when we were kids? I'm gonna go on a whim and say Hwang Yeji, because that girls was touched by the gods and born a natural beauty. So unfair.

As to answer your question, I aspire to be a dancer

I guess it's kind of a given that since I'm in the dance team, I want to be a dancer, but no one really has faith in me that I can pull it off as a real, adult career. More motivation for me to prove them wrong, I guess.

Love, LumiereWhere stories live. Discover now