K2 and Raina

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" Can we meet today evening ? I want to discuss something serious. "

"Why don't you ring me or just message me?"

"No, I want to have face to face discussion . Please don't say no."

"This is the first time you are pleading. This is very unlike you.
Where is my confident K2"

"Please.Say yes."

"Ok, don't be upset. Have I ever said no to you ? I will be at your place at 7 pm . Is it ok ?


After days and months of agony and indecision K2 had finally concluded to come out in light and reveal his true feelings for Karan to Raina and his parents.

He was not sure about the way they would react but now he did not want to suffer . He wanted to spend rest of his life with Karan.

He would be ridiculed , laughed at , mocked by others but he didn't want to think about what others would call him .

He only knew that he wanted only and only Karan in his life. For him his solace could be found only in the arms of Karan . His world revolved around Karan . He felt that he was moon and Karan was the sun -the source of his light and joy. His world ,his universe all was Karan and Karan only.

Karan had upheavaled his life. He had come in his life like a tornado causing destruction.

Many times he tried to run away from his feelings. He tried to ignore and avoid Karan . But what the result of running away from one's own feelings was -self implied torture, hurt and heartache.

Now he wanted all this to come to an end . So he had asked Raina to spend evening with him so as to unburden his heart.

To some extent Raina had an idea what the future was to unfold today evening. She had been foreseeing it for last many months. She was sure that K2 had fallen out of love for her and he had fallen in love with someone else.

It was a hurting to know that their love had faded away. They had never made any commitment to each other and never forced feeling on each other but they had not even strayed out  romantically mingling with others. For past many years they had been constantly in eachother's life.

Now all of sudden when her and his parents and friends were just waiting for the wedding dates to be announced their relationship was vanishing like a fog . She was at loss to know what went wrong between them.

Begging K2 to remain in relationship with her was not her style. She was emotionally strong enough to bear the pain without revealing her vulnerability.

She loved K2 enough to let herself loss him for the sake of his happiness . All that mattered for her was his peace of mind .

K2 would stay with her if she asked him to . But what will it result in? Frustration, unhappiness, discomfort and at last relationship ending in bitterness.

Loving K2 was the best thing to happen in her life. She wanted it to remain the best memory of her life. She didn't want it to get tainted with ill-will, hatred and frustration. So remaining next hours she had to mentally and emotionally prepare herself for the final goodbye as a lover and embark a new journey as a friend with K2.

Both Raina and K2 dressed their best as they didn't want to end such a beautiful relationship with bitterness.
Raina wore a purple velvet knee-length dress showing off her curvy body.

High-heeled sandals and a simple bun , with a pearl necklace,earings and bracelet gave her an elegant royal look.

K2, as could be predicted, wore black. He dressed up simply in cotton black shirt and linen trousers with black boat shoes .

It could be said that he was soberly dressed but simplicity too was a killer . His aura was charismatic and eye-catching.

K2 was going through the menu when Raina entered the cafe.

The cafe which was not very famous but  had amiable ambience, positive vibrations, good food ,their meeting spot and a place full of memories as it was the place where they had met for the first time.

"Why go through menu? We both know what we are going to order. Even the staff here knows."

Raina said taking her sit opposite to K2.

"Just killing time",

K2 replied putting the menu down and getting up to give her a hug and a peck on her cheeks.

"You look beautiful."

K2 said looking at her beautiful persona.

"You too are sizzling hot",
Raina teased him.

Hot coffees and grilled sandwiches were served as always by the waiter.

Taking a sip Raina just jumped to the point ,

" What was so urgent to discuss? We could have discussed on phone."

K2 was almost ready for this attack as he knew that Raina won't beat about bushes. She would come straight to the point.

He had rehearsed his words and arguments thousand times before the mirror but now in front of Raina he found himself tongue tied.

He was dying of guilt and remorse. Once again he doubted his decision of breaking up with her and diving in the sea of uncertainty by accepting his relationship with Karan.

He had never ever thought that he would become so indecisive and uncertain about his decision.

Finding K2 still struggling to phrase his words and coming out with what was troubling him. She herself broke the ice.

"Is she better than me? Does she surpass me in beauty and brain?"

She asked him jokingly half fearing his answer to be positive.

K2's  heart skipped a beat,his could  cheeks blushed red and heat emitted out of his ears.

He could not take even a single sip of the hot coffee. Moving uncomfortably in his seat putting both his elbows on the table he leaned forward and tried again to unburden his heart.

Once again he was silent. He took a sip of his coffee nibbled at the sandwich and tried to savor the taste of the both.

The mixed taste seed awful and tasteless. Moving both of them aside he again tried to mouth his words.

"I am sorry." were the only words he could utter.

"Sorry for what?"

"I have failed you. I have wasted a long span of your life."

Raina's doubts were not unfounded and baseless. So they were really breaking up.

She could feel a lump rising in her throat. To hide her shaking hands she started fiddling with her pearl necklace.

Her body language gave away her vunerability. She shifted her position in her seat.

The atmosphere between them was getting heavy. She tried hard to fight back her tears but failed to stop them from rolling down her cheeks .

She Bowed down her head  as all  her efforts to hide them failed. Controlling her emotions and calming her feelings she could hardly audibly say,

"Who? Who is she?"

K2 was shocked by the question. He felt embarrassed by it. Even after rehearsing thousands of time in his head. The question shocked and embarassed him.

With reddened face and sweat running down his temples he uttered,

" Not she. It's he."

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