Dr.Wook and His Sleeping Spell

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After coming back from Raina's house Mr. Dean asked Karan to take some rest. He too was tired and felt drained.

After leaving Karan in his room. He went to Dr. Wook's room to stretch his legs.

Dr. Wook was dead tired to hear the knock on the door. He lay on his stomach deep in sleep. He slumbered like a baby.

Mr. Dean opened the door and went straight to the couch where Dr. Wook was. He looked at the sleeping doctor.

Dr. Wook had waited all his life for Mr.Dean.

He still waited for him. So whenever Mr. Dean brought Karan to the hospital Dr. Wook never locked his office. In case Mr.Dean needed to rest he could come in, to have some rest, whenever he wanted.

Today also the door was not locked. Mr. Dean looked at his dozing beloved. He was in his forties and still looked very handsome.

Mr. Dean felt sorry for him. Dr. Wook deserved the best in his life. He need not have wasted his life on a person like him who was indecisive and a coward.

Lovingly he caressed Dr. Wook's hair and planted a kiss on his forehead and cheek. 

Mr. Dean had always loved Dr. Wook but he had dared not express it in front of anybody even Dr.Wook. 

Not willing to disturb him, Mr.Dean decided to sleep on the sofa.

He was about to veer around when Dr. Wook caught him by his wrist and pulled him towards himself.

"What are you doing, Wook?"

" Just helping you relax. It has been a long and hard day for you."

" Leave me. We are no longer teenagers to fool around"

" You were never a teenager. You were born old."

Forcibly making Mr. Dean lay with him.  Dr.  Wook embraced him and pulled him over himself.

Making Mr. Dean's head relax on his chest.

Caressing his hair he said, " Relax baby relax.  Tomorrow is going to be harder than today. Have some sleep. "

"You can tell me anything. So unburden your heart."

Mr. Dean told him all that took place at Raina's house. He was unhappy about it. He felt how could Karan accept the position of a second person or directly speaking be willing to be labeled as a mistress. He has a name and fame. How could he stoop so low?

Dr.Wook said, "Don't worry about Karan. He is grown up now. Let him learn from his mistakes. You should be proud that he has accepted the truth and not tried to break up the two lovers."

"How could I have been erroneous about K2? I had cross-checked his background and relationship with Raina then how did I miss the minute details about their relationship?"

"Don't worry. Let me help you fall asleep."

Saying so he started massaging his temples and the crown of his head lightly.

He knew this would make Mr. Dean fall asleep within five minutes.

This technique of his had unfailingly worked.

When Mr. Dean was sound asleep Dr.Wook kissed his forehead lightly, got up, and went to Karan's room as he knew Karan also needed a head and temple massage to fall asleep.

Before closing the door softly he looked at the soundly sleeping Mr. Dean stretched on the couch.

When Mr. Dean left Karan in his room.  Karan remained awake.  He cried silently. He feared his fate. 
He had made up his mind to face the world and be ready for whatever consequences.

Looking at the past he reminisced all that had taken place between K2 and him. He thought about Raina and the pain she must have gone through due to his interference in her and K2's life.

Tears kept rolling down his eyes wetting his pillow. A throbbing headache made him feel dizzy. He wanted to call Mr. Dean.  He wanted his shoulder to cry on but he could not do so as he was well aware that Mr.Dean needed rest too.  Moreover, Mr. Dean had,  in advance, cautioned him about the outcome.

He closed his eyes with his left elbow. Sobbing silently.

While he was sobbing he felt someone standing by his bed.

His nose told him the person was a medical person and it must be Dr. Wook cause nurses never came into his room at night unless he rang a bell.

Dr.Wook sat on the chair by his side and said, "What is the matter?"

Karan was still sobbing.

Dr.  Wook took his hands in his own hands and said, " It's your life. You have the right to decide for your life."

"Don't worry about others.  You cannot please all. Do what you think you should do. Mr. Dean and I will always stand by you.

He made Karan sit up and then embraced him. He rocked Karan to and fro like a child.

"My baby should go to sleep now. You have a long day ahead. Let me help you sleep. "

Saying so he made Karan lie on the bed and he gently massaged his hair and temples saying soothing words full of care and love.

Within five minutes Karan was also fast asleep.

He covered Karan with a blanket and went out of the room and went straight to his office to see if Mr. Dean was still sleeping or not.

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