Panic attack

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Tears welled up in Karan's eyes. He had no words to utter. He felt ashamed that it was due to him that Mr. Dean was getting insulted and getting fired from his job.

K2's name had been tarnished due to him. He felt hurt because he was being called a boyfriend snatcher and a home wrecker.

He had been a cause of suffering for all. He felt his heart breaking and aching. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

Mr.Dean could feel his pain and anguish. He saw his hands shaking. He knew Karan was getting a panic attack. 

He was quick enough to grab his hands grab and embrace him.
Karan could feel his heart beating fast, his breathing getting heavy and his mind fogging.

He could hear Mr.Dean and the producer arguing over something but the sound felt to be echoing from some distance afar.

The last thing he could remember was lying on the sofa and someone rubbing his hands and someone rubbing his feet.

He was shivering and his body was freezing. He was covered with blankets. He was unable to breathe.

He needed to be shifted to the hospital but the media outside would get fodder for news. So they decided against taking him to the hospital.

Mr. Dean rang Dr.Wook and explained to him everything briefly.

After half an hour Dr.Wook arrived. He was Karan's doctor,

So he knew how bad his panic attacks could be.

In the past Karan had these attacks quite frequently but with time and with K2's arrival in his life these attacks become less frequent.

K2 had a positive effect on Karan's mental health. The doctor knew that K2 was the right person for Karan.

But the reality remained that both of them were of the same sex and these relations were not appreciated by our  2 gender-oriented society.

He felt Karan's pulse, checked his heartbeat put on an oxygen mask on him, and injected some medicine which calmed  Karan's nerves and made him fall asleep.

Karan's shivering stopped and he slept like a baby wandering again in paradise with K2. He dreamt about the river bank which they enjoyed for hours, he saw himself cuddling in K2's arms, kissing and laughing, being happy just being in his company.

Karan slept and slept oblivious of everything taking place around him.

Around him, the destinies were being decided. His future, his love life, and his career were being discussed.

The producer wanted Karan to deny and give up his relationship. He had already fired Mr. Dean.

He did not want Karan to leave his company as he was a golden hen to him. If Karan decided to leave his company it would be a great loss for him and his company.

The only way to keep Karan to himself was by keeping him away from K2.

He had to be kept away from other music companies too. These days gay artists were also readily accepted by music lovers. But he had no liking for homosexuals.

He had to keep Karan in his control by lowering his self-esteem and making him feel guilty for being what he was. He had to keep Karan stressed and unable to. take his own decisions.

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