Am I in love??

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Hello readers! Have a good day:)) also I know there are some typing mistakes so I'm sorry I try my best but what can I do? It's natural right? So I hope you'll bear with it??

Alice's POV:
We were in the car and we both were quite. I can't believe how my life changed in a few days. Especially appa's lose. *I said looking at the window and again a few tears left my eyes* . Stop Alice you need to be strong. You are someone's wife now. I actually can't believe this. But there is one thing I did notice that he's not cold, that's what he pretends to be. In reality, he is a caring and kind person. And he's childish too. *I smiled a little thinking how he was behaving before breakfast*. But I wonder what made him like this??

Tae's POV:
we were sitting in the car and I was driving. The atmosphere was very awkward. If she thinks I didn't saw her crying looking at the window then she's wrong. I feel really bad for her. I can't believe how she is melting my cold heart. No one ever did that. And wow she smiled. I wonder what made her smile. Kim taehyung are you actually in love?

We reached appa and eomma's house and I looked at her who was sleeping like a baby making me smile. I wanted to kiss her. Noooooo stop you can't do this taehyung without her permission.

I slightly shaked her and she woke up then.

Alice: I-I am sorry.

I giggled.

Tae: it's ok, we're here!

WHAT? I giggled? I was supposed to ignore her what are you doing to me Kim Alice?

Alice's POV:
Did he just giggle? He looks cute! I smiled at him and then we got off the car. Wow I must say that Mr and Mrs kim's house is very beautiful too. I remember how we used to have a mansion but had to sell it because of my step mother. She took all the money and appa's business got in loss because of her at first place. I shrugged my thoughts.

The house or should I say mansion (again):

We both went towards the gate and the guard let us go obviously because ok taehyung

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We both went towards the gate and the guard let us go obviously because ok taehyung. As we walked in we say Mr and Mrs Kim sitting on the sofa outside and talking.

Tae: hello eomma and appa.
*He said hugging them*

Mrs Kim: oh hey son, how are you? And hello Alice.

Alice: hi Mrs Kim. *I hugged her*

Mrs Kim: you can call me eomma dear, stop with the formalities.

I nodded.

Mr Kim: and you can call me appa.

Alice: oh hi a-appa

Mrs Kim: taehyung are you taking good care of her?
*She said as we all sat*

Tae: yes eomma

Mr Kim: and how are you Alice? Is everything ok? I know it'll take time for y-

Alice: I'm ok appa. *I said looking at taehyung*

Mrs Kim: good Alice, I hope you both live happily forever.

Mr Kim: yeah

*After a while of talking and all we went inside to have lunch*

Alice: eomma let me help you serve too.

Mrs Kim: there is no need for that, this is your first time here.

Alice: noo please lemme do it.

*We then started to serve and after about 5-6 minutes we started to eat*

Mrs Kim:  So, how is your relation going???

I was very confused what do I say?

Tae: good appa.

Mr Kim: we'll really miss you two.

They're so sweet if I be honest.

Alice: we'll miss you both too and when are you guys coming back?

Mrs Kim: we'll be coming back after three weeks dear.

Alice: oh ok!

Mrs Kim: have I told you that you both look great with each other like a perfect couple. I wonder what will your kids look like?

I choked on my food.

WHAT???? WE HAVEN'T EVEN CONFESSED YET. I mean he doesn't even love me? Wait do I love him?

Mr Kim: what are you thinking about Alice.

Alice: a-ahh not-thing appa.

Tae's POV:
I wonder what they'll look like too, but she doesn't even love me what can I do??

Tae: appa how is your health? Are you taking your medicines??

I said trying to change the topic because I thought she's getting uncomfortable.

Appa: oh yeah son I am.

Alice's POV:
He tried to change the topic obviously because he doesn't love me and doesn't want to have kids with me.

*We then had a little chit chat and left for our house before dinner*

As he was driving, I was lost in my thoughts about what Mr and Mrs Kim I mean eomma and appa said. What will our kids actually look like? *I small smile formed on my lips*. He doesn't love me but. But what about you Kang Alice? Ahh Kim Alice why can't I just get used to of it. Anyways, he do makes me feel different. I never felt like this for a man after Jake. But he was a jerk I must say. But wait this ice man was a jerk too. Has he changed because of me??? Ahh no Alice he was just pitying you because of appa's death. Look how he's ignoring you now. I feel bad though for shouting at him and that he's ignoring me? Should I apologize?? It's ok ka- I mean Kim Alice.

Alice: a-ahh ta-ae I mean taehyung.

Tae's POV:
Did she just gave me a nickname? I was trying my best not to blush.

Tae: you can call me that.

She smiled.

Tae: what do you wanna say?

Alice: um I'm sorry??

Tae: wae??

Alice: because I shouted at you when you were just a little concerned about me so yeah.

Tae: it's okk I understand.

Alice: if you understand then why did you ignore me? *she pouted*

Someone tell her to stop or my heart will ACTUALLY melt.

Tae: a-ahh

What do I even say?? I ignored her because I think she doesn't like me so I need to stop getting close to her or else how will I move on? I don't wanna move on I wanna confess and live with her. But obviously she doesn't. What if she does? No I don't wanna get rejected so I won't tell her. I thought she didn't even noticed that I was ignoring her?

Alice: it's ok if you don't have an answer tae.

Ok my heart will surely melt. I hope I'm not blushing.

Tae: I'm sorry.

Wow did I jus apologize to her? She's totally changing me.

Alice: it's okk tae *she pouted again*

Stop Kim taehyung. DO NOT BLUSH. but why is she behaving like this? Does she love me??

Tae: we're home, let's go.

She nodded and then we went inside.

Oh, so is Alice in love?

•Will he confess?

•Will he change for her??

Stay tuned for the next chapter bye readers:)))

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