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I stopped my horse a couple of feet away from the palace that will be my home for a long time I hope. There were men lining the road on both sides, the state men of Manisa. Behind the men stood some of the residents of Manisa.

"How long have they been waiting, Eyüp pasha?" I asked my now advisor. Eyüp jumped off his horse and stepped towards mine.

"Since this morning, Şehzade" Eyüp answered. I jumped off my horse and handed the reigns to one of the guards.

"Give them food and water, they must be starving" I ordered. Eyüp bowed and went to give my orders. I turned to look at the carriage where my mother and sister were ascending from with the help of harem aghas. My mother looked like she could burst from happiness while my sister was looking around in wonder.

"Come on Valide, the harem is waiting for its ruler" I called making her turn to me and smile widely. I turned back around and made my way through the two lines of state men and people. They were throwing prayers my way and calling my name for attention, I only smiled at them and continued my way inside of my palace.

"The harem is this way your highness if you want to see it," An agha said. He must be the eunuch in charge of the harem here.

"What's your name agha?" I asked, folding my hands behind my back as we walked. He led the way towards what I assumed was the harem of this palace.

"Bül, your highness" He answered. When we reached the harem I noticed that there were already concubines here, they prepared for my arrival it seems.

"DESTOR, ŞEHZADE AHMED, HIS HIGHNESS" Bül announced. The concubines jumped and bowed low to me. I looked over them still a little shocked that they had brought concubines even though they knew I will be bringing my own harem to the palace.

"Valide, this is your harem" I turned to my mother. She stepped over to me and looked over the girls already in the harem.

"Do not worry darling, I will take care of everything" My mother said patting my shoulder. I took her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

"Bül agha, show me the way to my room" I ordered. Bül bowed and led the way out of the harem from the opposite door that led in. I followed after him looking around at the beautiful palace, it was not half as big as Topkapi but it was unique in its own way.

"Here Şehzadem" Bül opened the doors to a magnificent room. The bed was in front of the door with a fireplace to the right and a couch area to the left.

"Thank you, you may leave" He bowed and left me alone in the room. I took off my turban and coat and placed them on the couch under the window. Just then I noticed the desk beside the door where I will be doing state work from now on.

I walked over to the bed and sat on it feeling a little stiff from horseback riding. The sun was still out and glowing at its peak. It was noon a couple of days after we had left the capital. Surprisingly I didn't feel an ounce of exhaustion, instead, I felt excitement at this new chapter in my life.

"Agha" I called. The doors opened and Bül agha walked back in with a smile happy to serve. I stood up from the bed and fixed the collar of my shirt.

"Prepare the bathhouse" I ordered. Bül bowed and literally ran out of the room to do as ordered. I shook my head at his enthusiasm, Allah alone knows what this man was before being recruited to serve here.

I looked around my new room a little before I followed after Bül to what I guessed the bathhouse, the palace wasn't as big as Topkapi so it wasn't that hard to smell soap after a couple of turns and twists. I walked into the bathhouse and took off my shirt followed by my pants, I had insisted on wearing them instead of the traditional clothing because they were easier to ride in. I wrapped a towel around my waist for modesty and walked into the main area. The wooden shoes I wore made loud echoes around the bathhouse, they must be worn to prevent slipping and falling.

I sat down on a marble seat shivering a little at how cold it was despite the steam coming off the water in the sink in front of me. I heard the doors open which made me tense and listened closely to who walked in. Someone with wooden shoes followed me to where I was sitting, so I prepared myself for anything. A soft hand rested on my shoulder making me snap my head up and look at the person, I found a brunette standing there wearing only a towel to cover her body but it ended at her upper thigh, she bowed when our eyes met.

"Who are you?" I asked, skeptical. She gave me a soft smile and reached over to the metal bowl sitting on the edge of the sink and took it in between her hands.

"My name is Mahpeyker Şehzadem, Bül agha sent me to assist you" She answered. She dipped the bowl in her hand into the water and pulled it out when it was full. She looked at me and awaited my permission, I gave her a nod which made her smile bigger.

She spilled the water over my hair making it wet, she placed her hand over my forehead to stop the water from coming on my face. She took a soap bar and massaged it on her hands before she ran her hands through my hair. When she was satisfied with the amount of soap in my hair she spilled more water on my hair to get rid of the now dirty soap. The soap had a woody smell which I actually liked.

She picked up the loofa sitting on the edge of the sink and used a different soap bar to smear the soap on it, this soap smelled like almonds. She started rubbing the loofa on my shoulders and back. When she was done with my back she moved forward to my chest. I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer so her chest was pressed against my back. I used my other hand to trail my fingers slowly up her arm until it was on her bicep. I could hear her breath hitch at my touch.

I pulled her forward making her yelp a little, now she was sitting sideways on my lap. The loofa in her hands fell to the floor with a loud thud from how heavy with water it was. She looked at me with her big eyes filled with expectations. Our noses were touching from how close we were to each other, I could feel her breath tickling my lips. She looked like she was either my age or a little younger. Her arm that was wrapped around my neck to balance herself moved to the back of my neck and trailed down softly to my back making me shiver a little.

"You didn't come here to help me bathe" I pointed out with a smirk on my lips. She smiled and looked down with a blush on her cheeks.

"I am here to do whatever you want me to do" She whispered seductively. I placed my hand on her thigh making her sigh a little. She leaned up trying to catch my lips but I moved my face a little to the side making her miss and kiss my cheek instead. I trailed my lips against her ear and down to her cheek making her whine a little.

"You're a tease, Şehzade"