Part 2

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"Okay, So what would you like? Double beef burger" Niall asked looking excited~ It's his favourite.

"Ew, No its not even beef its hirse meat!" I replied.

He rollled his eyes

"Its true!"

"Anyway what would you like?"

"Umm, Chicken burger small medium fries and medium Strawberry milkshake"

"Okay any ketchup?"

"Yeah please"

He walked off into the line it was quite long.

'BUZZZZZ' Niall had left his phone on the table.

Maybe just one look.... No that's wrong.

Before I knew what I was doing I grabbed his phone and saw the text.

"Hey babe, did you get the money of the ugly troll?"

He didnt love me? This was all a scam?

I scrolled through all the texts until I saw him run back looking panicked.

"Hey have you seen my phone!? It's not in my pocket!"

I pretended to pick ut up when really I just put it down and picked it up. I handed it to him still not able to speak.

"Thanks babe! Your a life saver!"

He grabbed his phone and went to pick up our meal. I got up walked out of the door as calmly as I could qnd legged it back to the train station. Great. Rain and high winds. The rain felt like bullets on my face as I ran, It was freezing so I wrapped my arms around my stomach as I ran.... Not a good idea. I tripped and ripped my favourite jeans.


I got up as fast as I could and started to run again. I jumped on the train.

The only free seat was next to a pretty girl. Blonde light blue eyes and...

"Omg Allie!?" I screamed so excited to finally see her. Forgetting what just happened.

"Oh, Zoey" She said glum clearly not as excited to see me as I was to see her. Her face had guilt all ober it but I didnt let this bother me yet...

"Omg, so how have you been?"

Allie was in Peter Pan together when we was in year 3.

'If I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go' I grabbed my phone. Niall DECLINE!

"Ah, you like Justin Bieber same!"

"Omg really!? HaHa!"

"Oh my stop gotta go!" Allie said standing up walking past me and oit the doors. Villystreet? she lives there.. strange.

"Zoey!, whats wrong!?"

How would I tell him without saying I snooped on his phone.

"I know your secret" I said looking down on a 7Up on the floor.

"What Secre...-He recovered from his little do- What do you mean?" He asked I knew he knew what I was talking about.

"You scammed me! You knew I came from a rich family! They were to busy to spend any time with me so the sent OpalMays Millions and you used me! Go on who is it?"

"I cant say and you dont understand!"

"What else is there to understand! I known what happened! Niall tell me who it was or I will tell your whole school that your a worthless cheater!"

"Okay" He took a deep breath and finally answered. "It was Allie"

My heart sank. Allie poor little Allie.... Had helped Niall in a scam... Called me an ugly troll.

I pushed Niall out the way and got of at the next stop, even though it wasn't my street.

I rang Lily. No answer I rang Kate. No answer. I rang Alfie. he answered Yeah baby!

"Hi, Zoey we were getting worried! Where are you?"

"Hi im just im..." I burst into tears suddenly.

"Zoey you okay?"

"Mno 'Sniff'"

"Where are you!?"

"Greenwich valley"

"What!? What are you doing there!? Wheres Niall!?"

"He's not here I just want to come home"

"Okay, Jordans coming to collect you, just wait where you are"

"Okay" I eneded the call anddsat down on the wet pavement. Thunder Storm. Perfect.

"Zoey!" Jordan said running up to me.

I looked up and he scooped me up of the ground and into his car.

"You Okay?"

"Not really" I mumbled rubbing my sore red eyes.

"What did that shit do to you!?"

Jordan is like my big brother.

"He took me to McDonald's I looked through his phone then I saw he was scamming me for money and was really dating Allie my friend I was in Peter Pan with in year 3 and then I got of the train and got wet" I explained quickly trying to keep the tears in.

"Im gonna kill him!"

I normally would of argued but I was to busy crying.

We got home and I walked to my bedroom waiting there was Alfie, Lily and Kate.

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