900 22 2

Elio Tierney

Who's this?
This isn't some sort of prank is it?

Unknown Number:
u think my feelings for u is a joke???
i would never do smth like that

Who are you and how'd you get my number?

Unknown Number:
my name is whatever u decide and i'm just gonna call u mine
but i'm ur baby for short
or u know...other endearments you like to call me 😉😏

Unknown Number:
i'm not too picky
oh, i got it from a friend from his friend
we go to the same school and have a few classes together

So I know you?

Unknown Number:
yes and no

Why don't you just tell me who you are and we can move on?
And what do you mean?

Unknown Number:
uhm, no thanks
i'm going to die of embarrassment if u knew who i was

Unknown Number:
plus, i'm shy 👉👈🥺
 i think u know me irl
maybe? maybe not?

I'm still not convinced.
If this either Noah or Atlas, you better stop this stupid act.

Unknown Number:
atlas corrigan?

Unknown Number:
jk i know who that is
those guys are your besties

They are not my "besties"
And who's that?

Unknown Number:
just some random character from a stupid book

Unknown Number:
okay, then...
they're not ur "besties"
they're ur homies or wtv


And stop using that term homies
It's a weird word

Unknown Number:
sure...homie :)

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