716 28 8

Amoriel Bishop

Unconsciously typing my supposed school report, million thoughts ran through my mind that made me to bang my head against my table.

Why did I have to like someone like him?!

I just want to stab myself with a pen for being so stupid. I feel so pathetic.

You know what? I don't care if he's back together with his ex. It's none of my business and we don't really have anything between us to give me a right to be jealous and feel sorry for myself.

It's fine.

I'm fine.

Like totally fine.

Nope, I'm not crying at all.

Fuck, why are my tears falling down my cheeks?!

Frustratedly wiping them away, I took a deep breath in and held it for a few seconds before letting it out to clear my mind. I just need to divert my attention else to where to keep me distracted, like finishing up this essay which is due in a few days.

I'm not heartbroken from the fact that Eli and Nicole might be possibly back together. I'm just surprised, deeply and utterly surprised and shocked to the earth's core.

Both of them haven't confirmed anything yet, but by the looks of Nicole parading around the hallways at school tells me otherwise.

"Alexa, play She's all I Wanna Be by Tate Mcrae!" I shouted before going back to my essay.

Let's just get this over with.

I was in the middle of writing my report when I heard my phone ring inside my desk drawers. My phone has been stashed away for days on end. I kept it hidden to keep me from getting distracted and check any messages from Eli. I know he sent a lot, but I've tried my best not to read any of them and let it be.

While typing with one hand, I answered the call without looking who the caller was and answered. I waited for them to speak but they didn't.

I look down to my phone and I was horrified of what I saw.

It was not a phone call. It was face time!

And the person on the other side of the screen was Eli, looking at me with all his glory.

"You." Eli stated.

My eyes widened in horror and I froze. I blinked thrice while I was staring at my phone screen thinking that if I blinked it would go away.

But it didn't.

I let out a high pitched squeak before ending it and threw my phone on my desk before letting out a flew blown scream that had my parents knocking frantic on my bedroom door asking what was wrong.

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