884 38 15

Amoriel Bishop

"Aspen, get my phone away from me!" I exclaimed, shoving my phone that has been pinging nonstop to my best friend.

Gemma slammed her locker shut behind me. "You can't avoid him forever, Morie."

"Technically, she can if she tries hard enough." Dory said while looking at her nails. "What color should I paint my nails later? I was thinking black or red would look nice."

I was currently with my friends in the hallway by our lockers. We were just getting things before we head home.

"Morie," Aspen hummed. "Since you don't use your phone that often anymore, can I sell it? I just need to earn money."

"Oh, you should totally do that. Besides, her phone is like the latest version that would attract more buyers." Gemma said in a teasing tone.

"You guys are the worst!" I whined, stomping my foot before snatching my phone back.

"And yet, you can't live without us." Dory said smugly.

"You love us too much to actually hate us."

Well, I'm really considering to hate you right now, so what about that? But they're right, I can't live without them. I would be a goner without my best friends, even though they're a pain in the ass sometimes but I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Actually, I would trade just to get a picture with Robert Pattinson. It's Robert freaking Pattinson! I would never waste an opportunity like that.

"Ugh, damn it! I forgot my water bottle during last period." I groaned. "You guys can go ahead. I have to rummage through the lost and found box in the computer lab." I bid them goodbye before walking away.

The halls were pretty empty since almost everyone has gone home. When I stepped inside the classroom, I immediately look for my water bottle. I finally found it in the lost abd found box and I was in the middle of reaching for it when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Morie." I froze when I heard his voice.

I hesitantly look back at him and offering him a crooked awkward smile before quickly grabbing my water bottle and making a run for it just like what I have been doing the past week and a half. He stood there right by the door frame with his hands in his pockets. A pleading look was plastered on his face.

"So are you just going to ignore me until we graduate?" He said cooly, closing the door behind him. "I have been trying to talk to you but you keep getting away. Have you ever thought of trying out for the track team?" He chuckled at his own little joke.

My heart feels like it's about to escape from my ribcage from how fast it's beating right now. I was aggressively wiping my palms on my jeans because of how clammy they are.

Eli started walking closer to me until he stopped when there was less than a feet between us and his gaze on me never faltered.

"I'm finally meeting the girl who confessed she has a crush on me on a typical Tuesday," The side of his mouth twitched up. "But then stopped talking to me when I was just starting to take a liking to her."

My cheeks flushed instantly. I struggled to find a response to his statement. I couldn't find the words to say to him.

"I never thought you would be a redhead - doesn't matter what your hair color is - but when you answered that call, you were cute." Eli said.

I scrunched my eyebrows. I know he just called me cute, I swear to you my inner self is now screaming and crying, but I felt more insulted with what he said. I looked like utter shit when I accidentally answered that call. My goodness, I haven't even showered that day he called!

"You don't need to lie. I was a mess and still am." I answered meekly while looking down at my feet.

"Well, it's good that I don't mind messes. You're a mess, but a mess that I want." He brought his fingers to my chin and made me look up at him.

I turned my head to the side refusing to look at him. I am not mentally stable for any of this.

"I-I need t-to go." I tried walking away but he grabbed me by my elbow to stop me.

"Was it about Nicole that stopped you from talking to me?" Eli mumbled right into my ear.

And I guess he had taken my silence as a sign of yes.

He let out huge sigh.

"It doesn't matter," I shook my head, getting out of his grasp. "That's not any of my business so I will take my leave-" I stopped mid-sentence when he softly laughed.

"Oh, but I think it does matter." Eli said, pulling me back right in front of him. "You think that I was getting back together with her. I'm right, yes?"

"But are you?" I blankly asked finally having the courage to look at him. "There are rumors."

"And you believe them?"

"I don't really know what to believe." I shrugged.

"Well, you can believe that that's not true at all. In fact, I was done with her the second we broke up. There's nothing between Nicole and I. I mean, she did ask me to get back together but I flat out said no."

I nodded my head as a response because I don't know what to day with that. I did feel like a weight was carried of my shoulders and I was trying so hard not to look so pleased with tue revelation. He doesn't know that my mind is finally at ease.

"You're not gonna say anything?" He cocked his head a little to the side, a ghost smile dancing on his lips.

"What do you want me to say, Eli?"

"Probably ask me out on a date? I don't know. I still haven't figured out how your mind works. You could also say that I'm good looking." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I smacked his shoulder. "Since when have you been full of yourself?"

"I'm not." He said, running a hand over his chocolate brown hair. "I'll bet you even agree with me." I was going to say something but he beat me to it. "Come on, we should head out before we get locked in the school."

Eli grabbed my hand and led us out the classroom to the parking lot where he asked me if he can drive me home and I agreed because why not?

Before we drove off, Eli handed me his phone that was already connected to aux cord to play some music and I discovered something in with one of his playlists.

"You made a playlist with all the songs I sent to you," I looked at him wonderstruck.

"I did." His cheeks tinged with pink. "And I need more songs for that playlist as soon as possible. It has been long over due since you last recommended me one."

"You're so demanding." I playfully set a mean tone in my voice. "Take a chill pill."

The rest of the car ride was nice. Nothing was awkward or anything. We talked about random things while music was playing in the background. And soon enough, we reached my house.

I thanked him for the ride before getting out of the car. I was halfway down our yard when Eli called me from his car.

"What?!" I shouted back, turning around.

"Are you free this Saturday?" He asked, leaning over the passenger seat.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's a date then. We'll talk later, Morie." Eli then drove off right after he said that and I was left there with my jaw dropped.


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