~ Meeting ~

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[Mono's POV]

it was quiet. Almost.. too quiet. The only sounds heard were the slight rustling of leaves and the soft whistling of the wind to keep me company on this cold night. I was sitting on a thin tree branch as I wrapped my brown trench coat around my body tighter, hoping to warm myself up a bit more. The calm breeze was picking up the pace, the tree branch below me moving from the wind.

After what felt like hours looking up at the pale moon, I finally felt the soft embrace of sleep, slowly curling its arms around me... until loud gasping brought me back to my senses again and I quickly turned around. Being honest, i was slightly pissed, since it gets harder and harder to sleep, from, the dreams. That long twisting hallway, the staticky TVs, it's like a living nightmare.

Standing in the moonlight behind me were two people, I presume a male and female, holding hands whilst panting using shallow, quick breaths. One of them looked up, suddenly catching my eye. This was the male, and from what I could see using the dim moonlight, was wearing dark blue almost black trousers and a light blue jumper. He had a black clamp around his ankle and long brown bangs that cover his eyes. I silently question the clamp as i scan him over a few more times, looking around for the place they could have come from.

I spot a tangle of branches and leaves to the right of them, their left, with various skulls and bones littering the ground, i shuddered.

He continued to stare at me, I could almost feel him looking at me as if I wasn't wearing my bag, causing a light blush to form on my cheeks. Soon, the female noticed that his head was upturned in my direction. She looked over at me, doing the same thing as the male, staring at me, almost in awe. She was wearing a grey woollen button up one piece cardigan and skort, with similar hair to the male, but shorter, still with bangs covering her eyes. They look related, but totally different at the same time, it was.. weird.

I gave them both a small wave which they returned, glancing at each other before turning towards me once again. It felt like we were locked in eye contact for hours, until loud huffing disturbed us. A large bulky man with a sack over his head, a large green trench coat, black water-proof trousers and a classic hunters cap aimed a gun at the two people, seeming not to notice me.

As well as the gun, he was holding a lantern style flashlight, (yes I took that straight from his description) which almost blinds me even though it was not pointing directly at me. He grabbed the couple and shoved them roughly into a bag, a strangled cry and gasp emerging from them before he turned back around and trudged back through the overgrowth. The muffled cries of the two could be heard from the bag, it shaking vigorously in the hunters hand.

Almost as quick as it happened, the moment had ended, leaving me in shock and guilt for not helping them then and there. Yes, that could have lead to my capture and possible demise, but would it have been worth it? After quickly running through my options and how they would end, I took the option of deciding to help them, sliding down from the tree and running in the direction the hunter went.

The overgrowth was thick and bristly at my height, it felt as if the branches were clawing at my eyes, trying to blind me. Eventually, after making it past various traps and dangers of the forest, i came to a small hunters cabin that looked like it could collapse at any moment.

[ first chapter done. The chapters will get longer as the book progresses. I guess i'll instantly make the next chapter then h ]

[ 673 words ]


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