~ is that jealousy i smell, seven? ~

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[Six's POV]

We were sheltering in some box for the night.

I looked over to see Mono and Seven.


I felt jealousy fill my entire body, so much that it was like it leaked out of my skin like water. They looked so... calm. So.... happy.

It almost hurt. Well, it did.

They were entangled so closely. So warmly.

So comfortably. I envy Seven.

Why does Mono always have to be so nice? I could... punch him in the face and he would think he had done something wrong, not pin the blame on me.

I know he likes him.

He knows I like him.

I could tell Mono was already asleep, even though I couldn't see his face because of his paper bag. I wonder what he looks like.

He suddenly started shifting around, leaning into Seven more, basking in his warmth. I shivered in the corner of the box I was sitting in. It's so cold. But, there isn't really anything I can do now.

I tried my best to get into a comfortable position and closed my eyes, I was so tired that I fell asleep almost instantly.


I opened my eyes slowly, only to see Mono and Seven talking. They seem to have moved closer to me. I was still really cold, so I sat up and hugged myself, not really changing anything.

Mono noticed me shifting and shivering, and walked up to me.

"Ah.. your awake! Should we... get going now?"

He said whilst pointing to that death trap of a 'bridge'. He said it's if we weren't about to cross a plank over an endless void that looks like it could snap at the slightest touch.

"Mm.. I guess."

I answered him as Seven nodded, agreeing with me. We all got up and made our way over to the plank. I looked down into the pit and felt nauseous.

"Do we have to? Is this... the only way across?"

Seven said, worry lacing his voice.

"Yeah.. I know it's not the best way but.. if we want to progress we will have to go across, uh, this thing." Mono replied whilst moving towards the plank. "I'll go first, then Six, then Seven, sound good?" 

We both put our thumbs up to that, I was already forming my plan on how to get closer to Mono. He started walking across the plank, with his arms out to his sides making a T shape as he crossed, evening his balance. He eventually got to the other side, he made it looks so easy.

"Come on, Six! It's not as hard as it looks.. I guess, mhm!" Mono shouted over to me.

"Yeah Six, just go." Seven was becoming more cocky.

"Seven, Seven Seven Seven. RK. I swear to god, if you don't shut up and don't let me cross this death trap, I will rip out your heart that's all reserved for Mono, and shove it so far down your throat, you will choke on oxygen and will never be able to speak to your lovey wovey baby boo Mono again, you hear me?"

(I'm making Six out to be so mean. Well- she deserves it soo)

Seven gulped, that was enough for me. I started to cross, putting my arms out like Mono to balance better. It was actually pretty easy, and got over to Mono pretty quickly.

Jealousy ~ (Mono x Seven)Where stories live. Discover now