~ the signal tower ~

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[im getting a bit bored of this story so I'm really not updating it much, but I will at least try to finish it. That might mean that I will be skipping a lot, like now, but still, h. Six has been taken because of her really bad hiding spot, and Seven and Mono are before the door to the signal tower.]

[ Seven's POV ]

I looked up at the towering door, knowing what was coming next made me shudder.

"Six is in there."

I look over at Mono, a serious expression plastered on his face as he takes my hand and grips it tightly, a shocked gasp escaping my mouth.

"But we can do it, ok? And then it will be over, ok?"

I nod, his confident voice smeared thickly over his nervousness, a small crease now forming in between his eyebrows.

"Right.." I mumble, causing Mono to squeeze my hand tighter.

"Come on, this will all be over soon."

The tall, thin door opened with a groan, a purple-pink glow emitting from inside as we advanced.

[skipping to when they find six mm]

There she was. Six. Once a short kind girl, now a towering distorted monster, thanks to the signal tower. She looked over us as she grunted and moved her music box over to us, it now sitting in between us. Mono slowly looked over at me, turning his head towards me, and then his eyes flicking over.

"So, this is it? We destroy the music box, and then she betrays me.." he mumbled the last part extremely quietly, which I almost didn't catch.

"Sorry, what? She.. betrays you?"

No response.



His tone was cold, slightly harsh, and it surprised me, that sweet, kind boy had been switched for a cold one. It hurt slightly.

"Are you, you know, alright?"

He looked over at me, his gaze flicking all over the room.

"No, I know what will happen, it's the timelines, I appear in the forest from a TV, go through the forest, school, pale city, and finally signal tower. The bridge to the exit collapsed, Six catches me, and then drops me, then I become the next thin man."

He chuckled coldly. "But, you are new. I have never seen you in one of the timelines." He turned towards me and gripped both of my hands. "And even if this timeline goes the same, I'll love this one so, so much more."

His last sentence shocked me, it was so, too, sweet. My eyes widened and my jaw fell open, causing a small laugh to emit from Mono.

"Let's get this over with, then.." he said picking up an axe in the corner of the room. "Hopefully Six will be smart enough to end this timeline."

He slammed the music box, the melody corrupting and crackling, Six growling and flailing her arms around maliciously.

[time skip to the bridge because yes]

My legs were hurting, I was sprinting across a bridge, Six behind me, and then Mono. It was exactly what he had said, a pit forming in my twisting stomach.

As soon as Six got over, the bridge collapsed, leaving Mono as he jumped. My fear took over, and I shoved Six to the side, leaning over the edge for Mono. A shocked expression appeared on his face before I caught his hand, instantly pulling him up.

He stared me in the eye before looking at the platform below us, the end slowly crumbling. He grabbed my hand and ran through the exit, flying out of a TV.

Jealousy ~ (Mono x Seven)Where stories live. Discover now