~ Box ~

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[please, I literally just skipped so much of the school chapter because it's stupid and doesn't deserve to be in this shitty book, but now I'll look at play throughs to try and make it pretty accurate- apart from the fact that I'll probably just add in places that aren't even there for fluff or jealousy hah. i also couldn't think of a chapter name sssooo... gives a bit away.]

[Seven's POV]

My body is aching so much from all the brute force that those dolls used, but at least I'm outside now, with Mono.

"Wow, that was chaotic aha.."


I agreed with what Mono said by grunting, because my throat hurt from screaming so much. Mono came up to me and grabbed my hand, squeezing it slightly before bringing me out of the bins. I kept my hand latched tightly around my side because of the pain, but I couldn't hide the noises.

"Ow.. shhh.."

[just saying that's that noise you make when you breathe in through your teeth, he isn't telling Mono to shut up.]

Mono heard me and stopped, turning to look at me and sat down. Since we were still holding hands, I had to sit down to.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Uhh.. yeah! I can go a l-little longer.. just tired hah-"

"Mono, he clearly isn't, is he?"

Six cut me off. Again.

"Well, I had picked up on that, and I don't think you would be able to balance very well on that with one of your hands occupied." He pointed over to a thin plank that acted as a bridge over what seemed to be a bottomless pit. In a city. What?

"wait wait wait, WHAT? We are g-going over- THAT?" My voice was raspy and scratchy, it hurt to speak.

I was panicking now, the bridge seemed like it wouldn't be able to hold one of us before snapping, and we were all expected to cross it?

"Hey Hey, it's ok. We can uhh.."

Mono took a quick glance at our surroundings before looking back at me.

"We can take shelter in that box for a bit, and maybe wait for the rain to stop. That would make it easier to make it across the plank and your bruises could start healing."

I thought about the plan that Mono had thought of, finding it to be quite a sturdy one.

"W-Well, I guess we could give it a s-shot," I said whilst walking over to the drenched cardboard box. "But when we w-wake up, if my bruise haven't g-gone from aches and pains.." I tried thinking of what would happen. "Uhh, I'll....I'll beat you up!"

Mono chuckled at my response whilst also moving towards the box, Six following close behind. We were both shivering, but Mono didn't seem phased. I sat down next to him and watched the rain fall.


I turned to see Mono looking at me. I didn't realise I was sitting this close.


"Are you, that cold? You have been shivering for a while." A slight tang of concern was hinted in his voice, I looked down and I was indeed, shivering.

"Oh, uh, yeah.. I'm f-fine, in not too cold." I let out a little laugh after that to make Mono feel a bit better, but it didn't seem to work.

"Hmh." Mono scanned over me once before continuing. "Well, you clearly are very cold.." I was waiting to see what he was going to try.

"W-Well, I guess.. but it's not l-like you can do anything- AH-"

I yelped as Mono put his hands around my waist and lifted me up, placing me down in between his legs. He put his trench coat around me and chuckled at my reaction.

He's so.. warm..

"There, now I'll keep you warm.." He said whilst messing with my hair, putting his other arm around my stomach to move me closer to him.

My face turned a crimson red, like a tomato.


It was just too, calm, too, good to be tru-


Oh yeah, I forgot that Six decided to exist.

"Hmm?" Mono hummed. "What's wrong?"

She glared at me sourly before replying, "hmh, nothing."

I glared back at her.

"Uh, alright then."

Mono pulled me even closer, was that even possible? He went back to playing with my hair whilst I put my head on his chest. "Your hair is so.. fluffy. How?"

I giggled at what he had said, finding it quite adorable. And this time, I won't deny it. I snuggled into him more, putting my head in the crook of his neck. "Oh.." Mono seemed slightly sad.


"I cant play with your hair now.."

I giggled again, why was he being so cute?

"You can do that later, but now I'm tired.."

"You aren't stuttering anymore, that's good- OOF-"

I turned around and flung my arms around Mono, burying my head in his chest whilst he stroked my hair softly. Eventually he put both of his arms around me and put his chin on my head, letting out a sigh.

"Tired?" I asked.


He let out a small yawn.

"Alright." I stopped talking and closed my eyes. He was always being so sweet.

So kind.

Always thinking about others.

About.. me?

No, that's just me saying he likes me back.

He doesn't.

I look around one last time to see Six, scowling at me. If looks could kill, Mono would wake up to be holding a dead body. I smirked at her, she clearly didn't like it.

I know she likes him.

She knows I like him.

She probably has a better chance though, right?

He's probably straight.

I'm just being weird.

I'm sorry Mono.

I closed my eyes again, listening to the rain and Mono's calm breaths. His heart beat was slow but steady, why is he so calming in every way?

Oh Mono.

[another done h. I just really really wanted to add some fluff and jealousy, and I will also try and add some fluff with six and mono in the next chapter to make Seven jealous, and I literally just woke up to see people had voted on my chapters. I swear. Thank you MganeCharlotte and Littlemashmash I basically collapsed and had 4 heart attacks when i saw the notifications. ]

[1065 words]


Jealousy ~ (Mono x Seven)Where stories live. Discover now