~ getting Seven back ~

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(I basically totally forgot what happened after the last chapter so I'll just skip to finding Seven hah)

[Six's POV]

Right, just to start this off, Seven is such a little bitch boy. I mean, he didn't even resist being taken away. And now I'm going to have to risk my life getting him back because of Mono. I swear when we find him I'm going to-


I was dragged out of my thoughts by Mono, softly shaking me as we continued through the school.

"What?" I said sourly. "I hear laughter from in the bathrooms, you think Sevens in there?"

I know the answer, but if I could just trick Mono, shouldn't be too hard right? From what I've seen, it seems he can be quite gullible, so if I could just...

"No, I don't think he could be in there, and it could just be another trap, don't you think? You even said you thought he was in there, they could just be trying to make you think that-"

I was cut off by a loud shout, presumably from Seven. More laughter was heard after that, along with sounds of pure brute force being used against him.

"He is in there! Cmon Six we gotta-"

Mono was also cut off when the laughter ceased and the loud crash of porcelain against porcelain was heard. Mono grabbed my hand and dragged me in, only to see Seven holding the shirt collar of two of the people that captured him. He was covered in blood and bruises, and a part of his shirt sleeve was torn off. From what we both saw, we pieced together that he had smashed their heads together with enough force to completely shatter them. From my time with Seven, I had never seen him use such force, until now.

"Seven! We were so worried!"

Mono ran towards him and flung his arms around Seven, catching him off guard. From the statement Mono had previously made, I really, really don't agree. Being fully honest, I think Seven is dragging us down. I mean, we just travelled across the whole school to find him, that slowed us down so much.

"Aha.. yeahh.."

Seven seemed quite tired, but was still able to stand up. I grabbed Mono's hand and lead him out of the bathroom.

"Cmon, we don't have all day.."

"How do you even know it's day?"

Seven. He just has to question everything, doesn't he?

I growled at him. He turned away and shut up.

(Time skip to giraffe neck crushing her head in the vents because I'm too lazy too look up a play through of what happens hahah)

A sudden howl was heard behind us, it sounded angry.

"Oi, guys, you hear that?" Mono asked us.

"Yeah." Me and Seven said in unison, causing us to glare at each other.

"Uh, ok well, let's just get out of here so we don't have to deal with whatever that is- OI WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?!"

Mono's calm and collected manner was quickly switched for a panicked and scared one as an entity wearing teachers clothing snaked its head around the corner of the hallway, letting out a loud screech as soon as it saw us. It's neck extended to an unimaginable length as it darted towards us, making all three of us stiff.


I yelled to the boys as I started to climb up a wardrobe and into a vent that would hopefully get us out of the school. The other two quickly followed after me, running into the vents to get away from that... thing..

Our pace was quickly slowed as we had to crawl through the vent. We should have lost it by now right? It can't get its head through the vent, it's too big..

It slammed its head so hard into the vent entrance that it bent the flimsy metal so it could get through, causing the being great pain as blood was sprayed over the vent, but it continued after us.



I quickly picked up the pace as screeching echoed through the vents, causing chills to go down my spine. Accompanied by the bending of metal and frantic glances I was taking to see it's position made the situation all the more horrifying. I eventually reached a ladder in the vent, which gave me a bit of relief, thinking it couldn't go any further. I snatched at the bars as I clambered up as fast as I could. Closely followed by the other two, we continued crawling through the vents, just in case.

"Phew, that was well close.."

"Yeah.. hah.. but it's not gonna be stupid enough to smash its head against, like, 14 bars- HOLY SHIT IT IS, GO GO!"

Mono practically screamed at the top of his lungs to get me to move forward, the chilling sounds didn't stop.

After what felt like hours of a traumatising game of cat and mouse, I finally saw light at the end of the vents.


I slammed my body against the trapdoor that sealed the vent shut, and tumbled out into a pile of trash. I noticed that it was under a ledge, so I quickly scrambled under it, hoping the teacher couldn't see me. almost instantly after me, the other two fell down, gasping from the shock. I grabbed them by the collars of their shirts and pulled them into the shadows, covering their mouths before they could make anymore sound.

The teachers head slithered out of the vent, looking around for any trace of the troublemakers that had raided her school, us.

Her head was completely mangled now, her jaw hanging loosely onto her skull, her forehead cut so deeply that they would leave scars, and blood dripping from her face and neck in insane amounts. Her blood dropped onto the ledge and trickled down to where we were, the stench now being unbearable. Eventually, she slid her head back in, causing all three of us to let out a breath we didn't know we were holding.

Seven started gagging at the smell of the potent blood, seeing it was so toxic by watching it eat and corrode the trash like it was flimsy, wet paper. We emerged from the bins and brushed ourselves off as it started to rain. I looked up at the sky and felt relief wash over me. I felt free again, free from that snake-giraffe woman and her porcelain students. The other two boys were sitting down, simply watching the droplets of water form into a puddle before them.

"So.." Mono started. "Where to next?"

[HHH ANOTHER CHAPTER. I swear I'm already addicted to making this book even though it's not that great h. And yes, I know there isn't much jealousy, Moven or fluff going on right now but I'll try to add some in the next chapter. Anyways, see you in the next one m]

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