A Shadowy Crisis

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Gold couldn't be described as a sore loser. He returned his Pokémon, shook Selene's hand, and then went off to prepare for the closing ceremony. Yet, everyone knew he was devastated.

Silver tried to comfort his friend. "Gold, don't take it too hard. You guys were amazing. Plus, this just means you've got all the more to plan for next year."

Gold sat back in his bed. Only a few hours until the awards would be given out. "Who cares. L-listen, Silver. I'm fine. I just got a bit blindsided, I'll see you tonight at the ceremony." His friend wanted to say something else but just left his room.

Gold picked up his Pokégear as he got a call from his mom about the tournament and picked out his outfit. He tried his best to pay attention to the conversation but he couldn't stop thinking about the match.

His own hubris had taken him down. And now his winning streak was gone. It was only a matter of time before a trainer would dethrone him and he'd no longer be the Champion.

It was all over now. But that was ridiculous. He had only lost one battle. And what a battle it had been. Gold hadn't had that much fun in ages. So why did he feel so miserable?

All 32 competitors reported to the stadium later that night in presentable outfits. Selene was wearing a beautiful gown and in the center of the stadium. Andy was giving some speech about the tournament and recapping the events to the crowd while holding a golden trophy with a Poké Ball on the top.

Andy finished his speech and handed Selene the trophy. Tears glistened in the young trainer's eyes and Gold couldn't help but feel happy for her. She'd come so far compared to last time, and she deserved the victory.

But it should have been him.

The conclusion came and all the trainers filed out of the stadium and started walking back for the final celebration dinner. "I figured Andy would've at least gotten us cars for today." May mused.

Selene nodded. "This outfit wasn't exactly designed for walking." There was some idle chatter within the group as they all walked. Something felt... off, however. The temperature was plummeting and all the lights in the area were off. There didn't seem to be anyone around.

It felt as cold as it did one of the nights Gold and Silver were walking home. "Does something feel off to you guys?"

The other trainers were about to speak up when they heard a low growl. The group turned around to see a quadruped surrounded by dark mist staring at them.

Its two eyes had a golden glow to them and a green gem was imbued in its chest. Gold immediately recognized the Pokémon as an Entei despite its fur being darkened. "What in the name of Arceus is that?" The beast roared into the sky and portals started to open all over the sky.

"Ultra Wormholes!" Selene gasped and she looked over to Elio. "We need to get Nebby!" Clouds of purple mist oozed from the portals and had strange green gems in the center of them. "Shadows? What's going on here?"

Gold noticed the Entei was charging a fireblast and he sent out Electabuzz. "Use Thunder!" Electabuzz countered the incoming projectile fire with his electricity and managed to stop the attack. Poké Balls started to burst open all around Gold as trainers prepared to battle.

Electabuzz was thrown away and Entei was suddenly hit in the head by Wally's Gallade. Gold looked around and saw that the strange clouds were trying to get close to trainers and their Pokémon. Gold also noticed a familiar substance in the sky.

From some of the portals, Corruption was escaping. "That's Corruption! Is MissingNo back again?" Not sure! Red replied. The trainer and his Charizard glared at the portal. Is this what Andy was warning people about? I'm glad I told Blue and Yellow to get out of here...

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