The Red Moon

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Selene faced down Red as a rocky battlefield rose up between them. The stones were cracked and split at many points and ravines and drops decorated the field.

Wally had lost to Gold, and now it was time for Selene to see if she could defeat Red and get a chance to put him in his place. She took a deep breath and tried her best to drown out the roaring crowd as she called out Salazzle.

Red sent out his mighty Charizard. "Charizard versus Salazzle! This'll be a fiery start to the second semifinal battle! Get excited, everyone! This'll be yet another six on six match with substitutions being permitted so I hope you're all prepared for a crazy match from a former and current Champion! Here we go!"

Selene relieved to find Red starting with his ace. She was nervous, but hopefully things could go according to plan. "Use Flamethrower!" Red narrowed his eyes as Salazzle fired flames across the field.

Charizard suddenly launched a massive fireball to counter Salazzle's attack and overwhelmed her flames, slamming into the lizard. That's right, I won't be able to hear his attacks! Selene remembered. "Toxic!" Salazzle launched a purple ball at Charizard.

The beast flapped its wings and sent a current of wind across the rocks that obliterated the ball and scattered poison onto the field and Salazzle. Salazzle winced as her own poison took effect. Charizard then took flight and jammed its claw into the stunned Salazzle, knocking her into the air.

Red put a hand up and Charizard started to climb after Selene's Pokémon. "Dragon Tail!" Charizard readied his claws to strike Salazzle and she swung her tail into them to counter. The collision blew both Pokémon away and Salazzle crashed onto the ground.

Charizard began to glow and Selene could tell it was charging a move. "Venoshock!" Poison surrounded Salazzle's feet and erupted outward, flying through the air and striking Charizard. "Now use Flamethrower!" Charizard crashed onto the field and Salazzle began to strike it with fire.

Charizard endured the blow and suddenly fired a massive glowing beam that cut through the fire and slammed into Salazzle. The Pokémon was overcome with damage and fainted.

"Salazzle is out! This is the power of Red's Charizard folks!" Selene tried to keep cool and sent out her Golisopod.

"Use First Impression!" Golisopod snapped across the field and jammed one of its claws into Charizard's chest. "Now use Ice Beam!" Golisopod unleashed a blast of ice in Charizard's face.

The dragon shook off the blows and knocked Golisopod away with a Dragon Claw. Charizard took off into the sky and Red held up a stone that began to glow. His Pokémon also started glowing and Selene gasped as Charizard transformed into Mega Charizard Y. A bright ball of fire appeared in the sky and the temperature of the battlefield increased.

Selene pointed upward and Golisopod jumped. "Use Liquidation!" Water surrounded her Pokémon and it raced towards Charizard. The Pokémon unleashed a giant fireball that stopped the attack in its tracks and then flapped its wings several times.

Hostile air currents slammed into Golisopod and carried it down to the rocky ground. Charizard nosedived and prepared to finish things with its claws. "Golisopod get out of the way and use Leech Life!"

Red's ace touched down on the ground as the dust cleared and Golisopod lunged out and jammed its fangs into Charizard's neck. It drained energy until Charizard managed to force it off.

Charizard sent off another wind current into Golisopod but it held strong. "Incredible! Golisopod refuses to use Emergency Exit and leave! It's determined to keep fighting!" He commentated as Golisopod rammed into Charizard with Liquidation.

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