Saying Goodbye

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And that's it. The final show has been put on, and now it's over. If you couldn't tell, this is the final Fanfiction I plan on writing.

At least the final Pokémon story because I don't think an ending could be more definitive than that. I tend to be a liar but I don't know... it feels right this time.

I am going to college to do writing as part of my career so I probably will be saving my ideas for that.

In any case, as of right now there are no future story plans for me. I don't plan on leaving for good though, I've opened up a review book where you can submit your own stories and I'll review them.

Feel free to check it out and submit your stories. It's open right now and it'll probably take a while for it to get going, if at all. But I'm going to be committed to it.

From here, I just want to retrospect on everything. I've been writing some of these characters for over 5 years so it feels insane to visit them one last time and give them the big conclusion I've been preparing for years and years.

I've had the concepts for this story in fragments and concepts for a long time and the buildup I slipped into several of my stories shows that.

I'm not really a fan of my earlier works from 2017 anymore, I'll be the first to admit they're not very good and I have plenty of critiques for all my stories but... at the end of the day I've grown to love each and every character I've created and featured here.

I hope for anyone who happens to be reading this as a fan of any of these stories that this was a satisfying enough conclusion for you. I really tried my best to do justice to as many characters as I could.

With that, I think I'm ready to look ahead and move on. It's been a great experience, and I can't thank you all enough for supporting me and reading these.


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