Turinay Lost in the woods

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We went to Puerto Rico when I was seven years old. I enjoyed the island and the nature. 

One night I got lost in the woods close by my great grandmother's house. At one point I got trapped by the branches of the Guava trees. My legs got hurt by the branches. I couldn't see, so I touched my leg, and it was wet. After I had smelled my hands, I knew I was bleeding. After a while I was scared and I heard the branches moving. 

My heart beeping and afraid sounded so loud I could heard the echo of my heart. Minutes later I saw that a shadow was causing the noise, I started screaming and crying. Then I heard a woman crying. The shadow got closer and saw the body of a beautiful woman dressed in white clothing. I try to look at her face, but she was faceless.

 I was not scared of her anymore; I could feel her pain. She starts eating the Guava fruits then she started dancing and humming. She approached me and moved her hands, and the branches of the tree started moving away from me. Finally, I was free; since I was not scared of her, I gave her a hug. 

When I told the story to my grandmother, she said that I found a Hupia. I asked " What is a Hupia?". She said " Tainos believed in spirits. Spirits are called many names, they use to call them Cemis to the spirit of our ancestors a common named used.  Hupias were babies that died right after breathing the fresh air. 

 Mija! Don't go to those woods anymore at night because that is the land of Coabay, land of the spirits. There are harmless ghosts, but there are others that can harm your mind. She closed her hands and gave me a kiss on the forehead and say "Blessed be daughter of Atabey. Bibi Atabey , Atte itabo era , Coaiba Mamona ,Aturo aya wakia Itiba Cahubaba ,Acona wakia Arawaka , Yemao waka waili , Wakia Yari , Busica Waka Ketauri , Busica wakia Ahia Hu De , Tai Ku Buya Han Han , Nabori Daca , Han Han Katu " 

I asked her "what it means?". She said " Mother Atabey, Mother of Waters, Heavenly Mother of the Moon, Sister of our Ancient Bleeding Mother, Hear our Sacred People, Protect our Children Our Precious Jewels, Give us Life, Give us your Blessing, Good Spirit Yes, I am your servant, So Be It "

Cemis - Sacred Spirits

Hupia - Baby Ghosts that age 

Coabay - Land of spirits / Sacred place where doors open to other dimension manifest

Atabey - Sacred mother of the Universe/ Goddess

Bibi Atabey - Mother of Waters /other aspect of Atabey

 Coaiba Mamona - Heavenly Mother of the Moon

Aturo aya wakia Itiba Cahubaba  - Sister of our Ancient Bleeding Mother

Acona wakia Arawaka  - Hear our Sacred People, 

waka waili - Protect our Children

Wakia Yari - Our Precious Jewels

Busica Waka Ketauri - Give us Life

 Busica wakia Ahia Hu De - Give us your Blessing

Tai Ku Buya Han Han - Good Spirit Yes

Nabori Daca - I am your servant

Han Han Katu - So Be It 

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