The Final Battle - Jaden vs Nightshroud

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Jaden looked at the sky, but nothing changed, "I thought I defeated Lucian, but nothing has changed," said Jaden as then he had a bad thought inside of him, "It can't be! The world hasn't changed to normal? That's impossible!," as then he heard a dark voice inside of Duel Academy. He went in to the computer room, he took out his PDA and Declan's USB driver and put it inside of the computer.  

He was stunned that he saw something or the lack of something, "There is no one here!," he checked to every dimension, every city, every building, but nothing. 

But then he saw on one of the computer's. It was what he saw before he went in! He heard a voice, "Jaden... The time of the reckoning has come."

"Who is that!?" yelled Jaden as he saw on the computer, it was outside of Duel Academy so he rushed outside. He saw noone, but then the spirit of his dead teacher went close to him, "Jaden."

"Professor Banner!" said Jaden as he saw his teacher pointing at the sky. Jaden looked as the Moon came closer and closer every second, "What is that?" asked Jaden, "It's more than the eclipse?" 

"Jaden..." said a dark voice coming from the Moon, "The time is ripe. The reckoning is at hand."

Jaden had enough of this being, "Who are you?!"

"My name is Nightshroud," Jaden gasped at the name, "My messengers before me were mere pieces of me."  

"Mere pieces of you? Like Lucian?" asked Jaden as he looked around and saw not one Trueman. 

"You haven't seen my true form," Jaden gritted his teeth, "Then, show what you really are, Nightshroud!" as he saw the Moon coming closer and closer, "Thi-this is Nightshroud?"   

As then coming out of the dark sphere, with dark energy, was Nightshroud. It was something out of a horror movie. It had a goat like skeleton with dark cloth around it. It also had 5 skeleton wings around it. 

"Jaden, I feel it!" yelled Banner as he was behind Jaden, who was readying his duel disk, "That orb contains millions, no, billions of people's consciousness, like mine."

Jaden gasped, "So you're telling me that, everyone is in there?"

"Yes, those who seek dwell now within my world," said Nightshroud.

Jaden was confused, "Your world? Nightshroud, just what are you after? You want to take over the world?"

"Want? I want for naught. I set only according to the way of things." stated Nightshroud which confused Jaden even more. 

"The way of things?" asked Jaden. 

"Yes, call it the truth or the law of this world." said Nightshroud. 

"Then you're saying that everyone disappearing and entering you is just part of how things are?" that pissed Jaden off. 

"Correct. " stated Nightshroud. 

Jaden growled, "You think I'm gonna believe that?!" 

"You don't know any of their suffering. To the many, my world represents ultimate peace. Behold!" as then the scene changed into the world of Darkness, where everyone's nightmare is now shown. Jaden felt bad as they had to endure, but Nightshroud wasn't finished,"  They have already cast everything aside. They need not feel hope nor despair. Within a void, in which all human consciousness melts together,  they will as one, for eternity. This peace is only what they have chosen."

Jaden the whole time was in disbelief, "You liar," 

Nightshroud ignored the comment as he continued, "This truth began ages ago, in the long distant past. From the formless darkness, the first card was born. It's face and back were chosen, and thus, the universe began. Before long, the stars were born. And this planet was born. Man came to stand astride of all creation. Perhaps it was inevitable that humans would discover the cards from which the universe began, Duel Monsters! But so, too, did Duel Monsters become the touchstone by which human hearts could be judged. They became mirrors of the heart."

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