Chapter 1

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I'm soaking wet, and Sirius still hasn't come back.

I look back at my phone screen and discard the irrelevant notifications to check that I still don't have any calls from Sirius. Nor from Peter. Or Remus. I stay still on the porch, the kitchen light filtering through the window being the only light around me.

Suddenly, the booming sound of Mother Mother's Burning Pile starts playing, and I almost drop my phone as the screen goes black. In white letters, I read 'Padfoot' followed by a bunch of dog and clown emojis. "Prongs?" He is the first to speak once I answer the phone.

"Padfoot!" I scream. No noise is heard on the other line, not even rain noise, but the sound of an engine. "Are you in a car? What happened? Are you all okay?"

"We're all fine, Wormie almost fell from a second floor, but nothing serious," there is a groan in the background, and Sirius laughs, "But in a very dignified and masculine way, Peter wants you to know." I roll my eyes. "We have the little one."

"Took you long enough," I hear someone say. Sirius sighs. "And I'm not little."

"You're the youngest, and that makes you little."

"If it were quantified by the size of the brain, you'd be microscopic."

"You have to agree with her there, Padfoot." That's Remus. He sounds a bit far away, probably in the front seat.

Sirius takes the phone away from his ear, and I can hear him scream, "If it were quantified by something else's size, you-!"

"Sirius!" A girl's voice yells. "Oh my god, I can't do this, it was a bad idea; Pettigrew, turn the car around and-"

"Wormtail is driving?" I yell. "Does he even have a license?"

"'course not, he stole his dad's car. The occasion called for it."

"An unlicensed teenager is driving around with a kidnapped girl in a stolen car?" I yell again. I don't even want to shelter from the rain anymore, I'm pacing around the garden, splashing in the wet grass and waving my hands in the air. "Padfoot, for God's sake! What are we going to do if Mr Pettigrew reports it!"

"He won't. He's playing bingo with his grandmother. We've got it all planned out, Prongsie. Don't you trust us?"

"Not really!"

A red car parks in the driveway. The windows are so full of drops that I doubt I can see anything through them, and for some reason, the windshield wipers are not on. The headlights go out while the engine makes a thunderous noise.

Wormtail jumps out of the car and has to hold on to the door to avoid falling to the ground, slipping in the rain on the pavement. His dirty blond hair is plastered to his forehead, and his short-sleeved shirt (the kind he thinks are fashionable but no one really likes) is soaked and seeping through. He is followed by Remus and Sirius, one in a cardigan, worryingly hot for May, and the other in his leather jacket and leather pants and leather boots and all those black clothes he wears because it makes him feel like John Travolta in Grease.

The last to get off is her.

Long, curly black hair that falls down her back like demon wings, and skin so whitish that it seems to glow in the dark. She is wearing a white sweater and a plaid skirt, and her face is carefully made up, with shadows and highlights in the right places that make her look perfect, like a goddess with bright eyes and a pointed nose and heart-shaped lips.

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