Chapter 4

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Regulus almost spits out her coffee when she heard a car horn blaring outside the house. She gets up running, leaving her breakfast half-finished. "Regulus, this isn't a Disney Channel movie," Sirius colds, as Regulus runs out of the kitchen, "Finish that breakfast!"

"Can't!" She yells back, as her footsteps are heard up the stairs. "Gotta go! Barty's here!"

"I don't care if Barty or the Queen is here! Finish your breakfast!" Getting no answer, Sirius yells again, "Regulus!"

"If she's not going to eat it..." I take advantage, grabbing Regulus's plate and dropping the egg and mushrooms that she hadn't even touched onto mine. "I'm going to need it. Saturday's game is vital for us to climb the ranks. Coach Hooch had us running so many laps yesterday that I can barely feel my legs."

Sirius looks at me sideways and sighs. "She's used to Kreacher and doesn't realize that the people who cook here don't exclusively do that," Regulus runs past again, carrying her school bag and gym bag, "Jamie has better things to do than cook for you!"

"I don't mind, Padfoot," I tell him, picking up a piece of the egg I've taken from Regulus's plate with my fork, "I don't care about cooking for two or three." I put the egg in my mouth, and proceed to speak with my mouth full. "Although, if you're so worried about me overdoing me, you could start cooking yourself."

Sirius narrows his eyes. "If I ever cook for you, it'll only be to poison you." I give him a wide smile. "Wanna come with me and see that swine's boyfriend or you prefer to watch from the window?"

I thought he was never going to ask. My smile widens even more as I set down my fork with a thud and get up. "Why are you still here? I don't want to miss out on the fun!"

We ran out of the kitchen and through the door to see that, leaning against the blue Audi parked in front of my house, Barty Crouch Jr. is kissing Regulus. He dresses like a character out of Elite, with expensive brand shirts and lots of chains, and he has an arm around Regulus' neck, holding her firmly.

They're quite an aesthetically pleasing couple. Not that I'm into voyeurism or anything like that, but watching them kiss is nice, like looking at a Pinterest couple goals photo. Or maybe it's that Regulus is able to make everything aesthetically pleasing, with that way in which her long curls fall down her back, following the shape of her curves.

I don't know if it's wrong to say this, Regulus being Sirius's sister and all that, but like this, standing on tiptoe to kiss her boyfriend, her curves are much more exalted. She has such a tiny waist; it makes me think how stupid her boyfriend is for not grabbing her waist instead of her neck while he kisses her.

Let me tell you something, Crouch, grabbing the waist of a girl like Regulus while kissing her is fucking awesome. Have you ever felt how their bodies follow the shape of an hourglass under your palm? Call me when you do.

Seriously, guys like this don't deserve to have girlfriends.

Sirius walks down the porch stairs and I follow him. He clears his throat when he thinks the kiss has lasted too long, and Regulus pulls away and looks at him like he's the bogeyman. "Before you go, Reggie," Regulus shoots Sirius a pleading look, "Why don't you introduce me to your boyfriend?" Sirius is with his arms crossed and making an effort to keep his shoulders wide as if he wanted to intimidate Crouch by appearing bigger than him.

Regulus takes a step away from Barty, who just rolls his eyes, seemingly exasperated with the situation. "Don't you prefer to leave it for another day? When we have more-"

"Just a quick hello," Sirius cut her off, though in reality his gaze remained fixed on Crouch. "Hey Crouch, haven't talked in a while, huh? I remember you from second year, we were put in the same class, remember?"

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