Chapter 1

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The screen comes to life as a world map of earth is seen with all the nations colored differently.

Myui and even a few others look on with curiosity at the map. "Sir Itami, is that where you come from ?" Asked the young countess with pure child like curiosity.

Itami replied to Myui's question
"Yes that is where I come from."

The young countess stared at the map of itami world and all she could think about was how many nations there were, as for pina, she was having a small panic attack on the Inside at HOW MANY NATIONS THERE ARE !?

An off screen voice is heard as it announces. "And now, the nations of the world. Brought to you by Yakko Warner !" To which prompts an animated creature with a white face, red nose, wearing khaki pants with a small hat is seen popping on screen, waving his gloved hands to the audience.

Thay stun most of audience while persia and myui had to ask. "What is that!?" Pointing at the cartoon on screen.

Alex smiles thinking back to his childhood as he answers. "That is Yakko warner, the oldest Warner bro to his younger brother Wakko, and their sister Dot."

Yakko produced a stick seemingly out of no where as the music starts out a slow and steady beat, "United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean
Greenland, El Salvador too !" As Yakko sings, he points to each nation which lights up indicating where they are in the world.

Long started to bop his head to the music

Myui along wit her maid stared wide eye at the screen, while also moving a little enjoying the music. "There are so many lands that are so close to each other."

We cut to Pina where she is beginning to have a heart attack due to the size of the US, Mexico, and Canada

Yakko continues to sing as he still points to the south american region of the world. "Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan, Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam, and French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam !" Yakko seems to jump out to the middle of the ocean pointing to a small island.

The girls were shocked at how tightly packed the region around "America" is. "How is it they can be so close and not experience any conflict ?" Asked Lelei

"Well you see most of these countries are at peace, trade partners, and even allies." Long answered

Pina all at once shouted at long. "WHAT !?"

"I know shocking right hehe get it shocking." Long jokingly says

Alex groans as he facepalms. "Spirits above give me patience, cause if you give me strength I will slap a bitch !" Alex prays silently to himself.

Now yakko comes on screen dancing before hoping over to an even larger collection of nations as the music seems to speed up. "Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland, and Germany, now in one piece. Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Turkey, and Greece."  Yakkos singing also seems to speed up.

Bobo could be seen sitting next to the group eating a banana while watching the screen

Myui was now bouncing abit in her seat. "Wow ! Sir itami there are so many lands in your world with such colorful names." The young countess exclaimed.

Itami chuckles. "Yep, and most of them are allied with us." Pina nearly had a heart attack as she had to ask to make sure. "I'm sorry, did you say your allied with all of these nations ?"

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