Chapter 3

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"Well, this" A muffled voice came from the background. A figure stepped into the room, clad in an odd looking suit. The design seems advanced, the heavy armor and gas mask giving the impression of protection. Unknown insignias cover the figure's suit, looking like the markings of a military unit.
The figure looked around the-"Place? Un-place?[a]" He wondered aloud. Whatever it was. [b]He shifted his gas mask on his face and looked at the people around him.
They looked...familiar.
"I'm definitely having a rad-induced fever dream or something. Hello."
Alex looked at the figure and his eyes went wide. A grin breaks out on his face as he walks over to the newcomer. "Johnnie! You son of a bitch!"
"Oh shit, Alex! Long time no see mate!" Johnnie extended his hand, clearly cheerful as he recognized his friend. "The hell's going on and who're the cosplayers?" He asked as he tilted his head towards the group.
With a manly grip of their hands in a clear brotherly and manly hand shake, Alex says "long story brother, but short of it, dip shit on baby sitting fucked up a summons and now we gotta fix hardy's mess cause shes causing some half life shit."
As Alex gives a manly handshake to Johnnie he replies, "Long story short, there's a dumbass in the projector room who fucked up a summoning, so now we're babysitting these people while their dimension is being destroyed by a resonance cascade.
"Oh that's fucking great," Johnnie sighed. "Alright, I was dealing with an anomaly while writing anyways. What do we gotta do to-" Johnnie whips his head over to Itami and the girls. "Hold up a fucking minute."
He turned to face the characters and squinted. "So these are the real deal then. Not cosplayers."
Myui takes this as her chance to question the mysterious newcomer. "Excuse me sir, who are you and what are you wearing?"
Johnnie was stunned for a moment. Girls this cute and innocent looking were basically extinct in his world. It had been a long time since he'd seen a girl like the one before him, and he had forgotten the effect they had on his heart. After a moment, he spoke. "My name's Johnnie and I a diseased land called Eastern Europe. This suit protects me from radiation sickness and those who want to hurt me."
Long opens the door from the projector room. "Hey Alex, I was wondering what we should show these guys-"
Long notices Johnnie. "Uh, Alex, who's the guy in the radiation suit?"
"Howdy." Johnnie said, turning to Long. "Name's Johnnie, though I also go by Crazy Boris where I'm from."
"Folks, this man is my brother in all but blood," Alex added.
"Nice to meet all of you. I never thought I'd actually be standing face-to-face with people I was just writing about, but I guess life in the Zone has numbed my surprise to the unexpected," Johnnie chuckled.
Myui asks, "What is the Zone? Does it have something to do with your clothes?"
Johnie nodded. "Yeah. The Zone's a little corner of sickness to the east of where I was born. I went there to explore and I just kinda...never left. The place is fun if you wanna stretch your legs, but it's also very dangerous."
He leans over to Alex and whispers, "I'd rather avoid sensitive topics like the Mutants when talking to this kid." Alex nods in agreement.
"Anyways, what am I here for? Did I get summoned or some shit like that?"
Alex nods, looking at a tablet. His eyebrows arch as he looks up at Johnnie. "Seems like a new development is happening in your slice of the multiverse."
Johnnie crossed his arms. "Well, I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not. What's the development?"
Alex shows the tablet to Johnnie. On screen is a label: Gama - Hotel world designation J - 28.
"Oh," Johnnie huffed.
Rory raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What is this 'new development?'"
"Y'know Priestess, I'm new here. I'm not one hundred percent sure what's going on, I just have an inkling. Mind giving a full explanation Al?"
Al nods as he speaks to everyone. "Alright, so aside from learning about earth, we will from time to time show you other realms Gates have opened to in other versions of your dimension. The one we're gonna look at today is overseen by Johnnie, and it has to do with the bunny warriors-"
This caught the attention of the group.
"And a space faring organization called the United Nations Space Command."
"Oh yeah, that one," Johnnie smirked. "Just as I was updating it too."
Al grins. "Yeah, I think you guys are gonna have a bit of fun in that world. It's a real long-winded story, but if we have the footage for it," Johnnie shrugged as Al looked at him. "May as well not waste time or a filter on explaining it when we can just watch it."
Alex nods as he turns to start up the show, but stops as he realizes something.
He huddles with johnnie and whispers, "This gonna be the start? Or are you gonna have me show a music video? Or a concert?" He motions to the disc of Johnnie's world.
Johnnie thought about it for a moment, then hummed and said, "Could go for that rewrite of 'Rorke's Drift first, I guess."
Alex grins. "Oh you fucking mad lad."
"Heh, yeah," Johnnie nodded.
Alex smiles as he inserts the disc and hits play.
The screen comes to life as we see a birds eye view of an area.
Long goes back to the projector room to play the video.

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