Chapter 2

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Long is flipping through a pack of files trying to find the next video to play.

Out in the theater, Alex is introducing everyone to the new face.

"So to catch everyone up, this person is..." Alex pauses, wrestling with how to describe his boss. "This person is here to try and help contain the issue that Hardy created when she opened the second gate."

"Issue is an understatement." Heironeous said flatly.

Long comes out of the projector room holding a disk.

Itami slowly raises his hand, regretting the question he was about to ask.

"Yes, Itami." Alex said.

"I have a question for the, uh, officer? Agent?"

"What is it first lieutenant?" Heironeous turned to face him.

Itami clears his throat. "So this residence cascade, is it like levels of Half Life one bad, or worse?"

This question got confused looks from the residents of the special region.

"Ummmm, sort of," Long answered.

Alex looks visibly uncomfortable with the question.

"Probably worse." Heironeous states bluntly, getting surprised looks from Long and Alex.

"The situation you all are in is an event theorized with an extreme unlikeliness." Heironeous continues. "Then again, we were proven that gods like Hardy exist..." He trails off.

Alex nods. "To break it down for you all, if not contained, well, one of two possibilities will happen."

Itami interrupts, "Let me guess, the two worlds merge and we get some sort of Half Life two situation?"

Long sighs and looks at the group. "Basically combine all the levels of Half Life one and two, then you'll have an idea about the situation that we're in right now."

Itami leans back in his seat and puts his head in his hands.

Leilei asks, "What is the other route ?"

Alex sighs, a look of clear frustration on his face. "The absolute destruction of your dimension."

Rory's grip tightens on her Halberd as she silently curses Hardy for the destruction of their dimension.

Alex sighs. "Now I know this is heavy, but we will do everything within our power to rescue as many people as possible while also keeping everyone here entertained and well taken care of."

Long looks at the group. "If you're worried about any of your friends or family I promise that I'm doing everything I can to try to summon them, it'll just take some time."

Myui looks at the three beings in front of the group. Trying to sound tough, but audibly sad, she asks, "You promise? You promise to save those close to us?"

Long smiles at Myui. "I promise."

Alex looks at the Agent. "Anything to add sir?"

"No. You two summed up everything I wanted to say. For now, we can promise to keep you and your loved ones safe," Heironeous says, looking Myui in the eyes.

Long glances around the room. "So what do we do now?"

Heironeous points at the projection room. "Entertain the mass of people currently trapped in our world. Something to soothe the mind."

"Well, we could watch this." Long holds up a Sabaton disk.

Alex nods as he begins to escort everyone back to the theater. "Right! Now since we have a lot of earth history to cover up to the year nineteen fourteen, we will listen to a band of musical historians to educate us. Why don't we start with Japan and the Satsuma Rebellion?"

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