Chapter 4

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Alex was seen looking over a tablet at the next history lesson, but his face grew concern before shouting "FRAK !" The shout caused Myui to jump as did a fee others as Tuka asks, "Sir Alex ? Is something wrong?" The man turns to the elf and sighs, " just...this bit of history is not what I'm not familiar with."
Itami raised an eye brow asking, "okay. What is your area of history ?" Alex tuck the tablet under his left arm while his left hand rested on his chin. "Mostly early 19th to current, along with some multiverse equivalents, so anything before is not my field." He then began to think of who could help with this issue.

Meanwhile in another room a portal opens from the ceiling of the room and falling down from the ceiling is a crimson giant ground sloth who landed with a heavy thud. "Fuck, what happened?" A painful growling tone from the crimson creature.

Hamilton woke up placing her hand on her head from the pain. She looks around the room and sees the giant ground sloth.

Next to sit up was third recons CQC expert who was about to groan but stops seeing the large animal "WHO JUST TALKED!" And froze in place staring at the animal.

Next to her was a woman with brown hair, accompanying bunny ears of the same furr color, also stared at the animal as she slowly points at it and asks in disbelief, "did....did that animal ?"

"First off, no. I'm not an animal I just have lycanthropy. Second where are we?" The giant sloth said.

Footsteps could be heard coming up to the group as a voice slowly raised with authority, "Long if you fucked up again! So help me I'll have you running laps in full kit till you-" only for Alex to be seen in full uniform and his rank on full display, which caused the seargent to snap to attention, stopping in his spot he stared at the sloth as his face grows pale with a simple but soft, "no."

"Hey, AL." The sloth said as if he was on friendly trams with the man that just entre the room.

Long runs to the room, "Hey I just heard a loud bang and-." Long paused when he saw the three people

Alex on the other hand was going though alot of emotions before taking a calming breath, or two, then taking out a flask drinking a few gulps before finally addressing the sloth. "Be happy I have to deal with this dumbass and the bitches fuck up along with now MORE PAPER WORK to not be fucking LIVID "With you being here." He then snaps at the rather blessed Sarge, "At ease Master Seargent!" To which said NCO was at parade rest while the other two was staring in silence at what was going on infront of them.

"I fucking hate you Al." Long said

Alex just laid a threatening gaze at Long showing the officer was ready to snap.

The sloth decided to break the ice by standing on his hind legs show he was the biggest being in the room before walking up to Alex. Before he knew the sloth pulled him into a hug before making what only Star Wars fans knew to be a wookie sounds.

Alex just groans out, "Alright furr ball." He broke the hug as he breaths again to calm down. "Now, I'm Colonel Alexander Wolve of the Galactic Wolven Empire and agent of the Multiverse Agency that is to document and make sure nothing fucks up the multiverse, and that's Long, co-worker and room mate along with a royal pain IN MY ASS!" Throwing all professionalism out the window showing how fed up he was with the situation he was currently in.

Long then introduces himself, "My name is Long former ARVN and like what my roommate said I'm also a agent of the Multiverse Agency."

The sloth decided to speak this time. "And I'm known as Crimson.  Multiverse traveler and multiplier." He said with a large amount of pride.

Alex adds, "Also another pain in my ass." With a huff.

Crimson gives a devilish grin. "Oh. You don't mean it." He wave off. "So what's going on?"

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