It Was Time

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~Agent 8~

As we rose up on the elevator I finally talked more to Agent 3. "So... what's your name? Your real name, I mean." I asked. "Oh- well, I suppose it's Agent 3. That's just what I go by. Everyone calls me that... What's your name?" "I... don't remember. So... Agent 8." I shrugged. "Nice to meet you, Agent 8." He said as we broke daylight. I smiled. It felt so good to feel the cool ocean breeze on my face. Wait - we were in an ocean? Okay, I guess...

~Agent 3~

As we emerged I saw the skyline of my home, Inkopolis, on the horizon. I had lost track of time since coming into Deepsea Metro station. It was sunrise, probably around 5:30 AM. "AGENT 8! CAP'N! SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!" Pearl yelled from the helicopter. "C'mon, climb on up!" Said Marina, the octoling, and other part of the music group Off The Hook. We climbed on. "Pearl, Marina - Agent 3." Agent 8 said as we collapsed down on the ground. "Nice to meet you," I responded. "Wait... were you the one Agent 8 was fighting earlier?" Marina asked me. "Um... that - that wasn't me..." I said, but Pearl was already ready to attack me. "Get AWAY FROM US!!" I jumped up and backed away.

~Agent 8~

"Guys..." I whispered. They were all fighting - and by all, I mean Agent 3 and Pearl. Marina noticed it too. "Guys..." She said, louder than me. "What?" Pearl snarled at us. I pointed outside the helicopter, where a giant stone head was rising from under the ocean floor. "Oh squiddlesticks..." said Cap'n Cuttlefish. It was in the form of a human head. "Hold on a sec, I'll see what this is..." Marina said, whipping out a laptop as me and Agent 3 stood on the side of the helicopter, staring at the head. And in the little window of an eye... we glanced at each other. We both saw it. The telephone. "Alright, I pulled up a schematic of the statue. It seems to be a weapon, with a cannon full of the goo that was latched onto Agent 3-"

"TARTAR IN DA HOUSE! <Disabling contemporary speech mode> SILENCE! I am Tartar, an AI construct created 12,000 years ago by a brilliant professor. My prime directive is to pass vast knowledge onto the next worthy life form. When your kind became self aware, I hoped that my long wait was finally over. But as I observed your evolution, I was DISGUSTED!" It was the phone. "So... he like, hates us. Cool." Pearl said. "Shush! He's gonna keep talking..." I said, turning around for a second. "You wage war over minor genetic deviations. You obsess over trivial fashion choices." All of the inklings looked over at me and Marina. The only Octolings. "And so I created a new prime directive: destroy this world and start anew! From the best and brightest test subjects, I created a sludge of supreme DNA. A primordial ooze from which the ultimate life form will emerge." I looked over at Agent 3 where a little bit of the turquoise goo lingered. "Today is the day my vision becomes reality, as I destroy Inkopolis and everyone in it! Stop me if you can..."

~Agent 3~

"We gotta save Inkopolis. My home. Our home." I said the second Tartar stopped talking. "I know. It seems that it's charging up to fire a beam at the city. It has just over 3 minutes left to charge. And it seems to be charging off of the sunbeams. So I'm thinking that I can send down my prototype ink bombs and you two can go around detonating them so that the statue gets less energy. Then Pearl can amplify her insanely loud voice to power back the beam. It should work. I'll send down the bombs every 30 seconds. Is everyone ready?" Marina said. Me and Agent 8 looked at each other, nodded, and high-fived before turning back to Marina and saying together, "Ready." "Perfect. Pearl, you rest your voice. Cap'n... I suppose you can be here for moral support. I'm going to send you both down... now!" She dropped us out. We both turned into our respective squid and octopus forms. "I'll notify you when I'm dropping the bombsssss!" Marina yelled as we dropped.

~Agent 8~

We both hit the ground hard, and, in our human forms, probably would have killed both of us upon impact. But in our small sea creature forms, neither of us felt anything. "Perfect. Marina should be dropping the bombs right about now- AGENT 3!!!" He was falling into the water. Have I mentioned that we inklings and octarians are allergic to water? We fall into it, we faint and, if we aren't taken out of it quick enough, we could die. So... "HELP ME!" He said, grasping onto the stone. I rushed over and grabbed his hand. "I got ya..." I said, just as the ink mines dropped behind me. "Shoot! We gotta be blowing the bombs..." I said, looking up at the helicopter. "He's gonna destroy Inkopolis if you keep holding onto me! But I'll die if you let go... kinda a lose-lose situation..." Agent 3 said, slipping down a bit. I grabbed him harder. "We gotta go right now. What do I do!?" I yelled. Then it hit me. "I'm letting go." Agent 3 screamed. "WHAT?! ARE YOU NUTS? DON'T LET GOOOOO!" He yelled as I released him."Pearl, Marina. Bring the chopper around. Agent 3 just fell into the water! Save him!" "Alright, eight. You just focus on those bombs." Marina said to me through the headset. I briefly watched them bring the helicopter around before realizing that I had to be blowing up bombs. I quickly ran around and started blowing the blue ones when Marina dropped the greens. I rushedly finished the blues before starting on the greens. I finished in just enough time to slide down the back, blowing up the yellows. Blowing up the final one, I started hearing a voice in my headset. "Just stop and accept your demise, you semi-sentient seafood!" I ignored it. As I finished, the purples started dropping on the other side. There was a little over a minute left to do this. I rushed over on a ride rail and started blowing them up. The voice came again. "Finally, the professor's dream will be fulfilled!" I once more ignored it, I needed to focus! The final 10 blue ones dropped on the head as I blew up the third purple one. There was no way I was going to make this! Just as I thought it, something dropped down next to me. Or rather, someone. 

Something New (Female Agent 8 x Male Agent 3)Where stories live. Discover now